Chapter 49

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The next morning, you wake up in bed, cold, the muscles stiff and frozen. You stretch and look over to see Sigurd sleep next to you and Hvitserk and Ivar in the beds on the opposite side of the tent. The only empty beds that stand out are Björn and Ubbe's. Still half asleep, you dress yourself in another shirt and a pelt on top, the wind cutting through your trousers as you walk outside to find the brothers at a table, studying a map.

"Good morning" Ubbe grins at the sight of your tired eyes, giving you a hug as he studies the map again. "So if we move over that hill there, then we can-"

"The cliffs are that way" You snuggle against his chest, the eyes on the map as well, following as his fingers move. "If you need a battlefield use a wide one, we've got more men, we can surround them"

"So where do you suggest?" Björn crosses his arms and shifts his weight to one leg, his lip between his teeth as he inspects the blank spaces on the map. "Here?"

You let go of Ubbe and step forward. Your eyes wander over the map in search of the right place. "How about here, it is approximately half a days march from us and Ecbert will not see us coming, plus we've got the woods on our side"

"Okay, then get everyone ready, we move up stream"

All tents and supplies gathered, you move on, leaving the boats behind at the river and follow your instincts, leading you through the woods.

Upon your arrival, Ivar takes the lead with his chariot, followed by you and Hvitserk on horses and Ubbe and Sigurd, together with Björn arguing about the upcoming battle.

You dash past Ivar and towards the clearing you had seen on the map and halt upon a height. A gleeful smile on your lips, you turn and pass by Ivar and the others as they have stopped and ordered the others to make camp in the woods.

"The place is the right one" You join in, jumping off your horse.

"They will expect us though, I am sure" Sigurd leans against the chariot, eyeing his brothers as they agree.

"Then we will do something unlike us. Not Viking style, we will surprise them" Ivar leans over the chariot, winking at you. "You have chosen the battlefield, why?"

Climbing onto the chariot, you grin. "Because it is more than just one battlefield. The woods around and the slope on the other side of the hill, we can use it"

"Well, I want to see for myself" Ivar states, staring at Björn. "I have a plan"

"Okay, if it works, it's a good plan, if not, it's a bad plan" Björn jumps on the horse you had used before and gestures Ivar to lead.

Standing on the chariot next to Ivar, you nod as he rides off, followed by Björn. Together, you ride along the edge of the tree line surrounding the battlefield. While Björn focusses on the battle itself, Ivar and you discuss the details.

"They will move in from the north, and we will wait"

"You will await them, with Floki and Harald. Let them get close, We take the woods to the east and west"

Ivar scratches his eyebrow and points at the slope. "There, that path leads to the boats and through our camp. We need someone to block it off"

"What if they see us before we see them?" Björn approaches you on horse, his head leant down to you.

With a smile, you pull the reins, climb onto the horse in front of him and dash off, Björn holding onto you as you lead him to the highest point of the battlefield. "Do you see that? There is movement in the distance, we will have scouts in the woods up here, in the trees, and when they arrive we will be ready. Trust Ivar and me"

"And if he is wrong?"

You shake your head as you ride back to camp, following Ivar's chariot. "Then you get to tell him so"

In the evening, all Vikings are occupied with sharpening their weapons, cleaning their armours, singing and celebrating the battle of the following day. At the bonfire, Ivar approaches you.

He smirks as he sits beside you, staring into the fire. "I want you beside me tomorrow"

"No, I will be in the woods with the archers" you counter without shifting your glance from the fire. Embers shoot up as the stick in your hand pokes at the burning wood. The warmth calms you and lets you drift off to a brighter future, past the battle ahead and what will happen upon your return.

Ubbe joins you and pats Ivar on the shoulder. "We are all prepared for tomorrow. Let's hope your plan works"

"It will, and we will make sure of that, right, Ubbe?"

"Yes we will" He places a kiss on your forehead and has a seat beside you. "Will you fight with me?" His gaze wanders over you as you continue to play with the wood in the bonfire, your glance too focussed on the bright lights that shoot into the dark night.

"No, she wants to be with the archers" Ivar presses his lips together as he crawls away into the dark.

"What happened to him?"

"I refuse to sit by his side while you all get to chase the Saxons, and it displeases him"

"Ah" Ubbe grins, stretching his legs towards the fire to warm himself.

Soon, Hvitserk, Sigurd, and Halfdan join you as well and you get to hear more stories of old from times Ragnar, Harald and Halfdan raided this country and brought home glory and gold. The night grows darker and the next morning at the rise of the sun, the scouts return with the news you wanted to hear.

Æthelwulf is on his way with an army.

As you have started the tradition long ago, you braid Hvitserk's hair and tie it back, then Sigurd's and your own. Ivar refuses to have his hair touched by you and Björn does not believe in your tradition. You laugh it off, but his glare gives you a small ache.

Bow and arrow in hand, you follow him and the other archers into the woods while the other sons of Ragnar take their place around the battlefield, waiting for the Prince's army to arrive. It does not take long and at first glance, Ivar's brilliant plan works.

The Saxons chase Vikings over the battlefield over and over again, having them reappear on the opposite side while you run through the woods and attack when the Saxons come too close. After the fifth chase, Æthelwulf spins on his horse, yells out and his men follow him down the slope in direction of the boats.

You run out on the battlefield, watching as they follow the narrow path. Your shoulder against Hvitserk, you laugh and so do the others as you watch the hundreds of archers you have positioned upon the hills around the narrow path slaughter the men that run, scream and die before your eyes.

"You did it, you crippled bastard" Floki jumps onto the chariot and kisses Ivar on the cheek, watching as the Saxons fall one by one. "You did it"

Your gaze wanders to Ivar, who leans forward, smiling at you.

Cheering, Hvitserk lifts you off the ground and spins you around, all the others following as you storm after Æthelwulf and his men. Another battle ensues and you fight alongside Hvitserk, slaying one man after the other until you lay eyes on Æthelwulf, a terrible grin on your face that is covered in the blood of his men. Yelling out, you storm in his direction, striking every man in your way.

Sigurd follows you as he notices your target, his axe slicing through a man's chest as he hurries after you and shields you when a Saxon swings his sword at you. "You want to take the last death for yourself, Siggy?" He stabs his sword into a man's chest, picks up an axe and flings it at another approaching Saxon.

Hvitserk pulls you off the ground and laughs, fighting off another man and a third as you make your way towards the Prince. Just in time, he manages to grab a horse and retreats, leaving you Vikings with the victory over the Saxons.

"Yes!" Sigurd yells out as he jumps at his brothers and celebrates.

Laughing and cheering, you join them, but Björn looks anything but pleased.

"Why are you laughing, it is not over yet"

Continue with Chapter 50

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