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There was a knock on the door. Padme was in the middle of eating breakfast, when she saw the shadow of a figure waiting on her front step. That's strange, she thought. She wasn't expecting anyone, and Anakin never knocked. Taking a bite of her toast, she rose and opened the door, to see Obi-Wan standing before her. His presence caught her by surprise, and she almost forgot to swallow.

"Obi-Wan?" she greeted him in confusion. "Anakin is the house next door." He'd probably just gotten mixed up.

Smiling, the older man shook his head. "I know that, my dear. I came to see you, actually."

That was even more surprising. "Oh." Padme hardly knew the man. It was just then she realised she was being extremely rude, gawking at him without offering him inside or even properly greeting him. She recovered, smiled, and ushered him inside, wishing she was more dressed more appropriately. It was nine in the morning, and she was still in her pyjamas, a pale blue, silk robe draped over her petite shoulders. Feet bare, hair of mess of chestnut curls, she knew she had certainly looked better.

Obi-Wan sat politely at the kitchen table, waiting patiently for Padme calm herself.

"Would you like some tea, or coffee, or something?" she asked, a little rushed.

The man smiled at her kindly. "Tea would be lovely, thank you."

Nodding, Padme set putting the kettle on, her movements rushed and frantic, until Obi-Wan told her, in a soothing voice, that she could relax. She breathed deeply and smiled, he was such a calming presence. It dawned on her why Anakin relied on him so – he was so highly-strung and emotional and his mentor was a breath of fresh air, soothing and calm and collected. It was a good match.

She excused herself to change into something more appropriate, contemplating what could possible bring Obi-Wan to see her. Had something happened to Anakin, or Ahsoka? Was he here to warn her to stay away from Anakin? She wasn't sure. But it bothered her.

Once dressed, she returned downstairs, apologising profusely for making him wait.

"Don't apologise, Padme," he told her as she sat beside him. He looked pensive as he sat at the kitchen counter, back abnormally straight, hands resting in relaxed fists upon his bent knees. He was strange man. "I was the one interrupting your morning."

Padme took a sip from her morning coffee, even though was now lukewarm, and faced him. "So, what did you want to see me about, Obi-Wan?" she asked politely.

Obi-Wan shifted in his seat and stroked his beard in one short, swift movement, before facing her. "I wanted to talk to you about Anakin."

Knew it. She sensed, from the tone of his voice, that Obi-Wan wasn't here with good news. Two things had happened… either Anakin was in trouble, or Obi-Wan was going to ask Padme to stop being friends with him. "What's wrong? Is he okay?"

"Oh, no it's nothing like that," Obi-Wan assured her quickly, pacifying her worries. "I just think you're be the best person to help me."

Padme frowned in confusion. "Help with what?"

He sighed and ran a hand through his hair before continuing. "I assume Anakin's told you about his goal to become a mechanical engineer?" She nodded. "He wants to design aircraft… military aircraft. But, even though I've encouraged him to send in an application or some samples of his work, he says that – "

" – he wouldn't be able to afford it anyway, so there's no point," Padme finished with a sigh. Anakin had already expressed his reluctance, as tuition was far too expensive, and even when she had suggested a scholarship, he had shut her down. Padme sensed there was more to the story than he had insinuated, but she didn't want to push him. It would only result in an outburst like before.

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