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                                            °•  Quirkless child 2 •°

Izuku is Gone Quirkless, was the only thing she didn't want him to be.
His mind has gone fragile making him unable to live freely,
he didn't share it with anyone else too, maybe for a reason of two.
One - not to be a burden to anyone, two - not wanting to live anymore.

"Look at him, tired and exhausted", Melissa stroked Izuku's hair and whispered, "Izuku you are going to be alright".

Without knowing how to comfort him, she was desperate to try new ways to cheer him up.

Time flowed like a stream of liquid. More 6 months have passed since I knew he was quirkless

"IZUKU, let's go meet Tenko". Melissa screamed after entering his room.

Shortly they went to Tenko's room.

"Me-melissaa sann, What's up this capsule he is laying"...

You don't know about it till now? Haaa it's been a year since we made this, it's to give him good memories.

"Memori..es?" Izuku wondered.

"Yes, do you know he already worked 3 times? And caused a ruckus. He still remembered his old memories when he woke up and his quirk is affecting his body too.

Did he? I do not know about it Melissa San...

"Yess, you are seriously a great father Izuku".

"Please don't say that"....Izuku felt guilty about his absence.

"It's alright Izu~ku".

She gently patted his head and he brought his hand towards her's and kissed it gently.

"HUHHHHHAAAAAA, What are you doingggg Izuku".
He was not ashamed of what he did and managed to change the subject.

"By the way Melissa San, what do you mean by "woke up", did he really become conscious".

She wiped her hand with his handkerchief and began to speak.

"Yes the first time he did was around the time eri came back here again", Second a week after that and now lastly 2 months ago, You didn't know it, did it?

He didn't speak for a second and his eyes started to darken thinking about Tenko's traumas and his.

"Well I don't blame you for that Izuku, don't worry about it you had your own problems to deal with and she kept her hand over her arm muscles, I am here to take care of him".

His chubby smile started to show and he laughed widely, "Thank you Melissa San I own you so much".

"Do not mention it ".

The conversation was pretty much over, I explained what really happened to Tenko and about his serious conditions and I went back to my office.

Tenko's condition was far server than Izuku's, his small body can't handle his quirk and his memories are getting awakened again and again over many times, he does flinch while sleeping maybe he is having a dream again... No ...Nightmare

The capsule-like machine is to generate "good memories" in his brain so they won't have any previous memories. If he woke up again, he would think that these "good memories" was his "real memories" and his precious time spent with his family. It is cruel but once he wakes up it would be alright.

Aunty Inko is back again, her husband, who is 'Izuku's father' came back as well.
I don't like him at all, he seemed sweet and bubbly like Izuku but his personality was different...arrogant, aggressive and most importantly rude.

Her relationship with Izuku started to become a bit complicated too.
After knowing he was quirkless she started to comfort him in a diff...erent way and he calms down too.
Izuku get panic attack sometimes, he suffers silently In pain and it's unbearable to see him like this.

So she started to do physical comfort, started to give him his favourite food and those kinds of foods which don't require chewing and
"touch", To make him feel better.

After some days later
Time passed maybe 10 days aunty inko went back again and Izuku didn't bother either.

His parents don't know what he is going through... And they will never know.

She came to the hospital again to meet Izuku Midoriya, her thoughts grew, she proceeded to think about many things or tragic matters that happened in the past years...

She knocked the Izuku's room 3 times thinking he would call her inside, but this time the room was silent. She opened the door herself, and saw him laying on the bed, "Sleeping?" She thought to herself.

She went near him and decided to wake him up, she slightly started to move him, but there was no movement. Seeing him instantly sweating, Melissa went and called the doctor.

"He passed out, maybe he got a panic attack". The doctor explained his condition. "It would be better if someone close to him stayed by his side". 

Minutes have passed since he became unconscious.
He opened his eyes, and started to tear up...and I don't think I would be perfect for him.

I tried to calm him, he said, "They all are gone".
I .. don't know who 'they' were.

After some minutes, he told her some things.
"Melissa San I am sorry to trouble you for all this year, I am alright now, it's not a big problem or anything so don't worry about it.

"Of course, I am, I know you're not alright. You don't have to hide it anymore".

"It's alright Melissa San I am really fine", he started to smile again and Melissa found that he was pinching his leg, to maintain strong

"Izuku.... Do you think me as some girl, a replacement of the nurses?

"No no no no didn't mean anything like th- "I will be back in a minute Izuku". She cut him off and went outside of the room. Her heart sank, he didn't want to talk to her.
Desperately she tried to call that one person who would know his feelings.
"Mirio Togata"

Hahaha finished... Took 5 to 7 days ...hahaha
I was kinda depressed lol... My phone. I restarted it but some of my fav themes got deleted and it's not backing up... It took a lot of time for me to find those

Anyways as it's been a long time since I uploaded shinso's story I will tell who would be his gf in my story

Anyways as it's been a long time since I uploaded shinso's story I will tell who would be his gf in my story

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Yes this girl....I like her lol
She is shinso's friends always seen with him.
And that's it .... I will upload the next chaps soon
the story is going to end soon too
Bye bye

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