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Let me remember you something
The bold lines in the chap are *Melissa's current Pov
(I have put a star on this, I will explain it at the end)
Dashed lines are mine
Some italic are her thoughts from current times

Let the chapter begin...This chapter was super important to me so read it ok?

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Everything was solved that's what I thought again, But I never thought that it would take 3 years for Izuku to recover from his Trauma

It was fine in the beginning, Izuku Midoriya was with his parents, He had people to take care of him, so Melissa don't visit him often because of work.
She knew her father, David Shield was hiding something from her. She didn't mind it in the beginning but things started to get out of hand.

9 months later

"Izuku?? Are you crying?". Melissa found some voice coming from Izuku's room.
"Haa no no no I am not, Melissa San" he wiped his face with his palm and looked at her with a bright smile.
"Oh god, you made me worried, Did you eat breakfast?
"No... nott ..yet" his voice seemed odder than before. Maybe because he woke up after a long slumber? Melissa thought to herself.

Melissa sat in a chair and continued speaking. "Tenko is still hospitalized, I thought he would awake".
"Yeeash I thoughtt so thiiss... it's a ..long pro-ocess, thiiss ould hurtt him. Izuku's voice was unusual and he tumbled while talking.
"Izuku? Something is wrong with you? Your voice...
"Noo... I am fi-fine",
"Then I bought some food, let's eat this and we can start trying to walk.

This guy, he was crying wasn't he, do he miss his parents? Or something else? Maybe about Tenko?

Izuku's father took his mom again for another trip when his son woke from death, he seems so sus to me...

They ate breakfast and went to take a walk together,

it's been 9 months and yet he is being a lot lazy, I wonder what's going on with him, maybe I should call his parents, or stay with him more?
What should I do? Should I talk with him? I should.
Izuku is still strolling in a wheelchair, he needs to walk, but his body is weak too. Argggggggggghhhh

Melissa was going crazy.
She started speaking

"Izuku... If you have to talk about something you can tell me ok?

"I amm really fiine Melissa San, don't worry".

"Do you miss your parents? Want me to call them? And is it about Tenko?

"No it's alright, it's not about tenko, it's about mom. I don't know what Mom did for these 2 years so it's ok if Mom went on trips to change her mind... It's really ...alright.

"See your voice turned dark when you said 'it's alright,' you are not alright at all, you don't have to bottle everything up Izuku you are not alone. (Imagine all the people who care about Izuku)
"You have a lot of people who love you and care about you, you can share everything with me, or if you don't want to, you can talk about it with your school friends."

He didn't talk for a second and smiled brightly, "I am really Fine Melissa San".

Haaa I don't trust Izuku's answer now, I have to ask daddy about it.

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Melissa Shield went to her father David Shield's office to talk about Izuku.

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