Chapter 2:

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"I just.. don't know anymore.. he loves me.. and... I love him.. but nothing.. nothing... ever plays out like it should... something always gets in the way. " I say in between my tears.

" What if.. he doesn't want to be with me... anymore?"

Saying this caused another wave of tears to fall down my face.

Paul looks at me and I can see what he's thinking.

" What if.. he doesn't love me? What if... I'm just... A sick game that he's playing? "

There I said it everything that I've been thinking. What if Simon's playing Louis loving me just like he's doing with Eleanor.

" Harry, I've said this before and I'll say it again. " Paul starts. " When it comes to choosing between your head and your heart. Always choose your heart because your head knows everything and everyone, but your heart only knows you. And I think that Louis listening to his heart. Don't you? "
Paul asked.

I nod. He was right as always.

He walked out and I'm left there alone with my tear stained face of a thoughts that he left behind.

I heard the door open and Niall, Liam and Zayn came inside. I was sitting on the couch. Zayn came over and sat next to me. He looked at me with concern his eyes. I shook my head. I didn't want or need that kind of attention.

" I'm going out." I announced as I walk out.

I walked for what seemed like forever. I stopped and looked at my wrist. ' I can't change. ' written forever on my wrist. Some people understand that Louis and I tell stories of their tattoo since we're silenced. I glanced up and realize where I'd stopped. Tattoo parlor. I go in and look around then leave. I couldn't do it.

When I get back the boys tell me that Louis was in the shower getting the Eleanor sent off of him. I walked to the bathroom and hear his angelic voice. He was singing ' They Don't Know About Us.'

I go back to the room and wait for him. He finally makes his way to the room, he sees me.

" No Harry." He says. I laugh, he must have seen my face.

"What? " I asked innocently.

"You know we can't, we're not allowed to. I heard you listening and we can't perform that song. " He lectures me. I pout at him.

" Louis? " I ask and he looks at me clearly still sore. "Do you love me? " Louis looked like he had been slapped by this question.

" Of course I do. Where did you come up with a doubt that I didn't? " He asked me. I shake my head.

" If this ever ends will you still be mine? " I ask. He nods. He mouths the word 'always'.

Later that day, Louis wasn't at dinner so I tasked myself with finding him.

"You can't do this!" I heard Liam shout. I stopped to listen.

"You have no clue what ending the band would do to them."

That must be why he's hiding. He's hiding from the truth.

I found him crying in the last place anyone would look. He turned his head up

"Have.. you heard..? " He said steady tears flowing down his beautiful cheeks. I nod.

" It's... it's all our...fault... Simon doesn't want... the band.. lose fans... because of us.. why.. is it so... wrong for me to.. to love you...? " He finally gets out.

" I don't know. " I said simply.

I sit down next to Louis and hold him and cry together.

" Promise... You'll always.. think of me.. Harry? "He sobs.

" I'll do better than that. I will find you and love you until the day that I die. " I reassure him.

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