Chapter 35:

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We called our parents and let them know that we are coming to visit them.

"They're excited to see us. Hopefully they will enjoy their surprise that we've prepared." I said to Louis.

"I think they will besides if they don't there is nothing that we can do about it now." Louis replied back still irritated that Niall found out.

"We can give the other box to Gemma. She doesn't know yet and we've got time to tell her that she is going to be an aunt." I tried to explain to him.

Louis rolled his eyes. "I'm not mad. I'm glad that h knows. I just wish that he wouldn't have eavesdropped. I wanted to surprise him with the present like we're doing with our parents." He complained.

"Lou Lou tomorrow we will get a lot of pictures of our parents learning about the twins." I persuaded him out of his mood dur to his hormones.

"I hope that there as happy as we are. We're finally going to have kids." Louis said with pools of tears in his blue eyes.

"Baby, don't cry. I'm sure that they will be ecstatic." I said to soothe him.

"I'm not sad. It's these fucking hormones." He said while wiping the tears from his eyes.

We slept well that night despite Louis's constant worrying. Louis's worrying must have rubbed off on me because now I'm not sure if we're ready to be parents or if my mom is ready to be a grandmother. What is she doesn't approve of me getting Louis pregnant even though it was an accident. Especially since I didn't even know that something like this could even happen. Not that I wasn't happy, I was just concerned.

Was I tying Louis down with something that he doesn't want? What is he's not ready to be a dad?

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