Chapter 25:

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I kiss his stomach.

'I can't wait to see the little one. Hopefully he or she looks like louis.'

I lift Louis up and carry him to the room. I change him into pajamas. I lay him on his side of the bed. I change myself and then lay next to him. I place my hand on his stomach and fall asleep.

' Louis laid there watching me. I was making grilled cheese for lunch.

"One more week. Then we can meet baby." Louis said. I looked at him and smiled.

"I can't wait. I'm sure that the baby will be beautiful. Just like you." I say as I finish making the food.

Louis leaves the room to use the bathroom.

"Harry!" I hear Louis yell from the bathroom. I run to him. He's standing over a small puddle when I get to him.

"My water broke." He says almost sounding like an apology.

"Okay. I'll get your bag and then we can go to the hospital." I say to him calmly.

We get into the car and make it to the hospital. They get him into a room. He's hooked up to a bunch of wires.

"Louis. I'm going to outside the door and call our parents and Gemma." I inform him. He nods and waves me off. I'm on the phone with Gemma telling her that she should have a little niece or nephew soon. She's very excited.

Doctors come running down the hall towards me.

"What's going on?" I say as they rush past me into Louis's room. A nurse is following them.

"Sir, you need to stay out here." She says trying to hold me back. The doctor opens the door and I see Louis laying there like I had left him. But the heart monitor isn't beeping, it's flatlined. The nurse helps me down onto the floor. I lay me head into my hands.

I wait for about 45 minutes and then the doctor comes out.

"Sorry." He starts. "They're both gone." He walks off while I sit in the floor and cry.'

I wake up still holding Louis.

"Turn it off. Please Hazza." Louis say very sleepily. The "flatline" was my alarm to wake us up. I roll over and then it off before Louis gets frustrated and hits me with his pillow.

"It's time to get up and get ready for your appointment." I shake him.

"Harry. Don't be ridiculous. It's not even daylight outside. It's like 4:30 in the morning." He said exaggerating.

"Louis. Our blinds are closed. It's 7:25 not 4:30. It's time for breakfast and if I'm right you just want to stay asleep to try and avoid the morning sickness, which is not possible. So get up." I say as I get up and get dressed.

"I don't want to go and I don't want breakfast." Louis says.

I walk out and grab the milk and cereal. I eat quickly and then go back and hear Louis in the bathroom. I go to the closet and get him some clothes. I go to the bathroom.

"Louis. I'm about to ask a horrible question. Are you finished?"

Louis opens the door. "Yes Harry. I am finished. I'm going to get dressed." He walks off to the room that we are staying in.

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