Chapter 30

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When we got to the car, Niall called me.

"Dude, when are you coming home? I thought this appointment was supposed to be quick. It's been an hour." He questioned.

"Niall, calm down. We just got done and now I'm taking Louis out so we can do a few things and then we will be back." I told him as I looked at Louis. He didn't know that I was taking him out, so he looked pretty excited.

"Alright but do anything to hurt Louis or the baby. Also if you're not home by dark I will send out a search party." Niall joked.

We hung up. "You're taking me out?" Louis asked.

I nodded. "Can I know where?" He asked.

"No, but you can know that it involves presents just not for us, we already got ours."

I wouldn't tell Louis where we were going and it was killing him.

"Haz, tell me where we are going!" Louis demanded.

"I'm not telling you." I told him again.

"But I'm hungry." Louis whined.

I look at him, "What do you want to eat?" I ask him. His cheeks flush red as he looks down at him lap. He mumbled something that I couldn't understand.

"What?" I say trying to hear him.

"Apples..." He says sounding guilty.

"We can go to the store and get apples. But what am I going to eat?"

" And...mayonnaise." He finishes.

"You want me to eat mayonnaise?" I say utterly confused.

"No that's what I want. I want apples and mayonnaise." He said still red with embarrassment.

"That's fine. We can get that and your vitamins while we're at the store. I'll get something while we're there as well and then we can come eat inside of the car. That will be our first stop on our journey instead of the place that I originally had in mind." I said.

"It's not weird. You don't think it's gross?" He looked at me as though I was the one who had suggested the combination.

"It's a little weird but it's fine; if that's what you want to eat then we can get it for you and the twins." I tell him.

We pulled into the parking lot of the grocery store. Louis and I got out of the car.

"You go get that apples and I'll be there vitamins that the doctor wants me to take." Louis says.

"What kind of apples?" I question so I don't get the wrong kind.

"Green. The first one back to the car wins." Louis says and races off.

"You're on." I say and turn the other way.

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