Ch. 6: Cinnamon Brewn

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Salaar's P.O.V.

It was the following week. My midterms had started, so I was busy with revising. Api was leaving tomorrow, so we came to pick up Heer from Hayat. The three of us were going out for lunch so Api and Heer could spend time and also because I could use a break. I told Api to wait in the car while I went to get Heer. As I entered the store, I walked over to where I saw her serving a man. He was speaking into her ear, her hair covering their faces.

Heer's P.O.V.

I placed Kamran's white chocolate mocha latte in front of him as he smiled at me.

We'd spent the last week texting and also calling here and there. I only saw him once since we went bowling; he'd brought me lunch four days later and we ate together here at Hayat on his break between meetings. Now he'd dropped by after three days.

He took a sip, "Thanks."

"You're welcome."

I'd just turned around when he called, holding onto my wrist, "Heer."

"Hm?" I faced him.

He gestured for me to lean closer so he could say something into my ear. I complied and tucked some hair behind my ear, the rest of my hair forming a curtain next to our faces.

He kissed my cheek slowly.

A warm feeling spread through me as smile made its way to my lips. I moved back slowly, my gaze gradually lifting to meet his, but that's when I realized someone was standing next to us.


Had he seen what Kamran did?

"S-Sally. Oh, is it 12 already?"

His eyes bounced from me to Kamran then back to me, studying the both of us intently.

I cleared my throat, "Salaar, this is Kamran. R-remember I told you... about him? When we made burgers that night?"

He nodded slowly.

"Kamran, this is Salaar, my best friend."

Kamran stood up and extended a hand, "Nice to meet you. Heer's told me a lot about you."

Salaar's P.O.V.

A lot about me? Unbeknownst to me, it seems they had grown closer. Had they seen each other after that night? If so, when?

What could he have been telling her in her ear?

I shook his hand with a closed-mouth smile, "You too. She told me you're a lawyer?"

He smiled down at Heer, "Yeah, and you're studying to become an architect?"

What else had she told him?

I nodded.

"Api!" Heer beamed nervously as my sister approached us.

"Hi," she grinned at all of us.

"This is Seher Api," she told Kamran, gesturing towards her.

He gave her a nod and smile, "Kamran."

She returned the smile before looking at Heer questioningly.

"Do you or Api want a drink? If not, we can start heading out?" Heer asked us, her voice at a slightly higher pitch than normal.

Api shook her head, "I didn't have breakfast, and I can't have caffeine on an empty stomach. It makes me nauseous."

"You should grab one when you drop Heer back... No one makes drinks like Heer," Kamran remarked.

Her cheeks flushed, radiating a pink hue.

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