Ch. 8: Friendsgiving

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Salaar's P.O.V.

My expression faltered at Heer's words.

I was actually looking forward to the Friendsgiving until she mentioned Kamran.

I could see Haniya staring at me in my peripheral vision, a similar look on her face.

"Cool," Haniya murmured, still peering at me, "I'll also invite two of my other friends."


He was Heer's friend and she was mine. But there was something that put me off in regards to him. Yet, he was still her friend. No matter how much I don't want to, I should at least give him a chance to gauge what he thinks and is doing with her.

For Heer.

Heer's P.O.V.

"I'm so excited! It's going to be all of my favorite people in one place," I squealed at Kamran.

We'd just eaten dinner at his flat and were sitting on his sofa.

He rested his head on my lap, sprawling himself across the couch. His hand reached up and cupped my cheek as he gazed at my eyes, his thumb tracing my jawline, "I'm one of your favorite people?"

I ran my fingers through his hair and he closed his eyes, enjoying the soothing touch. He intertwined his fingers with my other hand and held it to his chest.

My heart skipped a beat as I watched his serene face. His handsome sharp features that made him look mature and masculine were peaceful and unstrained.

He opened his light brown eyes when I hadn't responded.

I shrugged playfully.

"You're my favorite person."

"Really?" I asked softly, genuinely surprised by his words.

Yes, I'm his girlfriend, but it hasn't been that long.

I've also never been anyone's actual favorite person.

He pressed our locked hands to his lips, "Really."

As his words sunk in, there was a brief moment of silence as he stared up at my eyes.

"It amazes me that you aren't aware of how beautiful you truly are, Heer. Inside and out. You're always surprised when I compliment you, and I don't know what to make of it... One thing for sure is that I want to remind you of it every day until you start to believe it yourself."

He lifted his hand, his fingertips loosely trailing up the curve of my neck. It wasn't sensual, but it was intimate. A path of goosebumps followed his touch and it took everything in me not to shudder.

He brushed his fingers into my hair, cradling my cheek at the same time.

"It's only been a few months since we've met, Heer, and you've made me feel emotions that I didn't know existed. And I never want to lose this... That day when I walked into Hayat and you were crying, I can't explain to you what it felt like. This girl, who would make my day just by seeing her, was upset, and in that moment, all I kept thinking was that if it were in my hands, I would've sent whoever or whatever it was that made you cry crashing and burning. I've yet to meet anyone as kind and independent, as fun-loving as you are."

I was at a loss for words.

So, I did the only thing I could think of to reciprocate.

My arms wrapped around his shoulders as I leaned down and pressed my cheek to his, essentially hugging him to myself.

He chuckled, drawing his arms around my upper-half after moving my hair from his face.

"Also, as adorable," I heard him say.

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