Ch. 26: First Date

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Heer's P.O.V.

I lowered the tong from my hair then looked at myself in the mirror.

A slow breath left my lips. "Nothing to be nervous about, Heer Qureshi. Why are you nervous? It's Salaar. Your best friend."

My eyes then widened as I paused.

"I'm going on a date with Salaar."

Who would have ever imagined it? I was going on a date with Salaar Riaz! My best friend! From childhood! Also, my neighbor! From childhood!

And husband, don't forget that part. But not from childhood.

Shush! Life is so unpredictable.

I stood up and dusted my outfit, a cute top with black jeans. He said it wasn't anything fancy and to dress for fun. I wasn't sure what that meant exactly, but I hope I was dressed appropriately.

The doorbell rang. My eyes darted to the clock. It was time to meet him downstairs; he was right on time.

Our parents were at a get-together, so they weren't home.

Baba and Anne were most definitely surprised when Salaar came down for breakfast with me this morning. I told them he came early in the morning to surprise us all and that I had I let him in. Ami and Uncle were elated when he went over afterwards.

I took a deep breath before unlocking the main door downstairs. I just don't know what to expect.

What was my heart beating so rapidly for?

As the door swung open, I was met with a bouquet of roses, behind which stood my date.


He was dressed in a stylish button-down shirt with stripes and black jeans. His hair was set with a touch of pomade.

"Hi," I answered meekly.

"You look very pretty, love," he gazed at me warmly. "These are for you," he offered the flowers.

"Thank you." I studied the bouquet, my eyes lighting up when I noticed its center. The middle of the rose bunch had Ferrero Rochers with stems attached, as though they were flowers too.

"Shall we?" he smiled.

I stared at his twinkling, welcoming hazel eyes. The front-porch light shone on them, enhancing their golden tones.


I lowered my gaze, noticing his extended hand while I cleared my throat.

I placed my hand on his, and he intertwined our fingers, guiding me to his car.

My eyes travelled back up to his face.

He looked good.

He usually doesn't use hair product. Did he put in the extra effort for our date?

"Where are we going?"

"You'll see," he smiled.

He closed the door after me then got into the driver's seat.

We drove in silence for a bit. I busied myself by studying the roses when I felt Salaar's hand press down on my knee. I hadn't even realized I was bouncing my leg until he did that.



"Why are you nervous?"

My cheeks flushed with a pink hue as I tried to form a response.

It was just a question. Why was I blushing? We already went through this. You're going on a date with him. And it's already happening.

"I don't know," I mumbled, my index finger tracing the bumps on the green stems.

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