24|real life

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"Do you want another drink?" Chris asked placing his elbows on the table leaning forward.

"Um, sure why not." January said shrugging her shoulders, Chris motioned the waiter over ordering two more drinks for them.

The night had gone well so far, they'd had a really good time talking and getting to know each other. Surprisingly, January felt really at ease with Chris– it was easy to talk to him, conversation kept flowing and never did they find themselves in an awkward silence.

"You tryna get me drunk?" January said chuckling as she lifted her glass to her lips.

"That's definitely my mission." He laughed.

"Not a good look for me, you don't want to see drunk January." His eyebrow raised, "Why's that then?" He asked, a teasing tone to his voice.

"I get a bit wild." A smirk slowly spread across his lips, "Sounds like Nova." He said, a shy smile appeared on January's lips.

"Anyways! We can save drunk me for another time."

"I'll hold you to it." He said sipping his drink, "I don't doubt it." She replied.

Once they'd finished their drinks and sorted the bill, they stood to leave the restaurant and stepped out into the chilly night. January suddenly felt a pang of something in her chest, she quickly realised she didn't want the night to be over. She had actually enjoyed herself with Chris, even thought she'd been panicking hours prior to him picking her up. She stared up at the sky seeing it light up with stars, from her peripheral she noticed Chris was looking at her. A small smile on his lips as he stared at her looking at the sky.

"The sky looks nice tonight." She said lowly.

"Not as nice as you." He said, that caused January to look down at him with her mouth slightly open. He didn't give her time to process it as he began walking to the car.

Holy crap, she thought. What the hell was that meant to mean? Not as nice as you? Of course her mind began to spiral but the one thing she didn't want to admit was, she'd actually liked that he'd said that. Very much.

As they rounded the car, Chris stood beside her door looking at as though he was contemplating asking her something. She quirked her eyebrow staring at him, waiting for him to say what he was clearly thinking about.

"Do you um maybe want to go somewhere?" He asked timidly, this was a new one for her. She'd never seen Chris so shy? The whole night he'd been so carefree and so himself and now it was such a change, he seemed nervous almost.

"Yeah okay, what'd you have in mind?" A sense of relief washed over him at her response and he began to loosen up again.

"Get in, I'll show you." He said a smile spreading his lips again.

He began driving down the highway and the pair talked about random things they each found interesting. The radio was on low with old classic rock songs as they continued exciting chatting about their favourite movies and why they're so awesome. Chris began driving down a small road where the street lights suddenly got lower and lower.

"You sure you're not trying to murder me?" She chuckled, "Why would I do such a thing?" He added.

The pair for out of the car once Chris had parked on the side of the road. They walked side by side as he led her up the road, somewhere along the way he had taken ahold of her hand and guided her to what he wanted to show her. All of a sudden a bright flash of lights came into view, January's breath caught slightly in her throat.

"Oh my...this is amazing." She whispered, in front of her was a gazebo with strips of lights hanging off it.

"It's one of my favourite places, I found it purely by accident whilst taking Dodger on a walk." They continued walking towards it until they'd stepped foot in it.

"This is really cool, you can see some of the city from here!" She said taking it all in, no one had ever done something like this for her.

"Pretty decent right?" He said leaning against the side of the gazebo.

"More than decent." She added.

Suddenly little splatters of rain began falling, and quickly it turned into huge rainfall. They both looked at each other and burst out laughing, rain in LA? It was an odd sight truly but they laughed and laughed till their stomachs hurt. January took this opportunity to start running about soaking in the rain on her skin, she always did love rain. Chris began chasing her and they started running in circles till she collapsed in arms.

"Thank you for tonight, and bringing me here." She said looking up at him. The rain had soaked his hair and shirt, droplets fell from his eyelashes as he blinked to look at her.

"My pleasure, I had a good time tonight." He said, it come out more like a whisper as they found themselves completely pressed up against each other.

"I erm I had a great time." She whispered, Chris gave her one of his smiles whilst brushing away the hair stuck to her forehead.

"I think you're pretty great Jan, would you um want to do this again?" He seemed nervous again, it was clear he was truly beginning to like her.

"Of course, I'd love that." She said way too quick, she chuckled slightly growing embarrassed.

His hand reached up once more tucking her hair behind her ears, the rain kept falling only making them more soaked as the time went by. January's thoughts were suddenly crowded by the crazy thought that she wanted to kiss Chris right now. She was only starting to get to know him, and she knew she already loved his presence.

Today was only proof of how well they get along together, so what it truly be a crazy thing to kiss him right now? He was standing right there, his arms on her back holding her up. She could lean right in and kiss him, but would he feel the same? Her mind quickly shut that down, there was no way.

Somehow Chris' mind was also going through the same inner turmoil and he was seconds away from giving in and laying his lips on her. Her hair had come lose again from the force of the rain, his hand slowly reached up and tucked behind her ear. This time his hand lingered, it slowly went down her cheek savouring how soft her skin was. His hand reached her mouth, with his fingers he slowly traced the corner of her lips.

It was then that all restraint broke, she leaned in quickly placing her lips on his. Shock spread through his body, he'd been caught off guard by her but he quickly recovered by kissing her back. With the rain continuing to fall on them, the two stood there basking in each other using their hands to pull each other closer. Her lips were perfect on his, soft and small almost like they were made just for him. They broke apart breathing heavily as if all the air had been taken from their lungs, January let out a little giggle as she tried to regain her breath. What a crazy night it had been for her, and she'd always remember this.


completely forgot to update but here it is!
they're really cute :)

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