34|real life

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"You look really pretty tonight." Chris said as he took hold of January's hand guiding her through the city.

The pair had had dinner at one of the most popular restaurants in town and had immensely enjoyed themselves. Conversation and laughter flowed effortlessly and January couldn't help but feel like her heart was going to explode with how enamoured she felt around Chris. They were holding hands and peacefully strolling through the city, the streets were buzzing with energy and the weather with a slight chill to it.

"Thank you." She replied feeling the heat rush to her cheeks.

Chris led her to a bench which overlooked a fountain in the middle of the street, they sat down, their hands still intertwined. The sky had since turned black as the night air surrounded them pulling them closer together. January took the opportunity to lean her head against Chris' shoulder, taking in the sight in front of them.

"I like this, being with you like this and just being in the moment." Chris said in a low voice.

January lifted her head from his shoulder looking at him with a smile on her face, "Me too." she agreed.

He lifted his hand stroking her cheek softly, she leaned into his touch enjoying this moment between them.

"I wanted to talk to you." He said, January sat up right looking back at Chris. His demeanour had changed slightly and she could tell he looked nervous. She suddenly felt butterflies in her stomach, wondering what Chris wanted to talk to her about.

"I um, I don't know how to go about saying what I want to say– I've got a lot I want to say but can't think of how to word it." He paused as if he was trying to sort his thoughts out, "January, I've known you for a few months now and I never expected we'd become this close."

"I'm not sure when I realised but I'm infatuated with you, I've never felt like this but when I think of you or even just talk to you, you instantly make my day better–" A beat, "I like you January, more than I could put into words right now." January blinked slightly taken aback, she hadn't expected him to say that at all.

"Chris–" She started but he interrupted, "Listen I know it's a lot and I've just sprung this all on you, so don't feel the need or the rush to say anything back to me.

January smiled slightly, he's cute when he rambles, her hand lifted touching his cheek softly. She knew in her heart and head that was no doubt she was crazy infatuated with him too. She didn't think twice as she leaned him placing her lips on his, it was evident he hadn't expected it as he took a while to realise what was happening.

Quickly he gained his senses and kissed her back, before it could get heated she pulled back leaning her forehead on his.

"I like you too, I thought that was evident from the, hmm, few times we've kissed now." She giggled, he let out a huff leaning back to look at her.

"Well my lips are irresistible what can I say?" He joked, January chuckled hitting his arm playfully.

"You like me too." He said lowly, as if he was trying to convince himself she'd actually said that.

"Believe or not." She shrugged, "Jan, I mean it when I say I'm not going anywhere, not that I'd want to when I have you." She smiled once again, she thought her cheeks would hurt from the amount of times she'd smiled today.

"I won't go anywhere either, you've helped me through a lot Chris, you're my person." She said, she cringed slightly internally because she couldn't stop herself from saying that. It was true, Chris had helped her through her toughest moment and never once had he wavered.

"I'm your person?" He said titling his head slightly, she nodded her cheeks growing red.

"I like that– I'm your person and you're mine." He said, stroking her cheek softly.

"Soo does that mean we're together now?" She asked, a smile growing on her lips.

"Thought that was obvious after that confession." He chuckled.

"I'm really happy." She said, "Me too Jan, me too." He said placing a kiss on her cheek.

The pair chat there basking in night with their hands never leaving each others. This was truly one of the best day's in January's life, and she was happy to have Chris by her side. She thought to herself, with Chris by her side nothing could go wrong.


hey! long time no update 🥹 last year of uni is killing me and i've no motivation, but i'm slowly trying to get back into it.
until then, enjoy this short update! :)

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