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"Razor!..." Bennett sniffled, wiping away his tears with his hands. "I'm sorry!" he sobbed. Startled, Razor didn't know what to do. He waved his hands around, unsure of how to comfort Bennett, and finally just pulled him in for a hug.

"I thought because we grew up together you just were attached to me in an unhealthy way and didn't have anyone else to put feelings of attraction on! I'm sorry!" Bennett wailed, hiding his face in Razor's shirt. 

Razor opened his mouth to reply but realized there was a lot to unpack there so closed his mouth again. 

Bennett released his grip on Razor and took a step back. He inhaled a long breath and exhaled slowly. "Will you be my boyfriend?" he blurted out, completely determined. 

"Mhm," Razor nodded.

"Now, I know I've been really mean to you the past few days and I'm sorry but I really think we would be perfect for each other and you already confessed and everything so please consider it." 

"Yes," Razor said a little louder. 

"You don't have to answer me right now because I don't want you to say no so just let me know when you've made your decision and I'll try not to hound you about it." 

Razor frowned. He picked up Bennett by placing his hands under his arms and holding him up in the air. Bennett blinked, staring at Razor confused. 

"I said yes." 

"Yes, what?" 

Razor growled, agitated. "Yes, I'll be your husband Bennett!" Razor blinked, having said the wrong thing, and carefully placed Bennett back on the ground. He hid his face in his hands and squatted down, willing himself to be a puddle. 

"Husband, huh?" Bennett squatted down in front of him. "That's skipping a few steps." 

"I meant boyfriend," Razor mumbled. 

"I think I'd like to be married to you one day," Bennett smiled. "So I'll have to reply to that later, okay?" 

"Really?" Razor looked up from his hands. 

"Of course! But, Razor?" Bennett blushed, scratching his cheek. 


"We have a lot of kisses to catch up on...since I haven't seen you for a few days..." 

"Am I...allowed to kiss you?" 

"Huh? Why wouldn't you be?" 


"Yes," Bennett smiled. 

Razor kissed him, smiling into the kiss, crashing their teeth together, but neither one seemed to mind. 


"Hm?" Razor kissed Bennett's cheek. 

"You're my favorite." 

"You're mine too. 

And they lived happily ever-

"Wait just a goddamn minute," Xingqiu grabbed the reader's screen and squinted. "Don't you dare close this book!" He ordered. "I haven't gotten my happy ending yet." Xingqiu shook the screen furiously. 

"You're going to comment right now," Xingqiu reached his hand through the reader's screen and grabbed the reader's throat. "Comment right now asking for my story to get a happy ending or I'll snap your neck in two." 

Stay tuned for Chonyun's Not Just an Idiot... (for legal purposes this is a joke)

"It better not be a joke," Xingqiu cracked his knuckles, glaring at the one currently typing this story. "I will rally the reading troops to get my happy ending!" 

Yeah, we'll see about that. I can't even get people to vote on chapters, what can you do?

"I will get my happy ending!" Xingqiu stomped his foot. "I swear!" 

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