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There'd been something weird about Razor recently. Bennett couldn't place his finger on it. Maybe it was the way he'd grown taller than him. Or maybe it was the fact his small body had finally decided to keep muscle mass. His hair was still fluffy. His voice was slightly deeper. But something else about him had changed. 

"Bennett?" Razor stared. His face used to be the same level as Bennett's but now it was looking down at him. Bennett frowned, crossing his arms. How was he supposed to pat Razor's head now?

"Bennett... kiss..." Razor stared intently, bending over so his eyes were at the same height as Bennett's. 

"Wha-?" Bennett blinked. Was he really going to keep doing that? They'd made a silly little promise when they were silly little kids that they'd kiss everyday but now that Razor was taller... this felt wrong. 

"Kiss?" Razor pouted. His pouting face always managed to pull at Bennett's heart strings but now that Razor was taller than him he had a whole different appeal. Bennett clutched his chest and felt his HP drop. He couldn't deny a pouting Razor. 

Bennett kissed Razor's cheek. 

Razor didn't frown but he didn't look pleased either. He stood up straight and continued walking, assuming this was going to be all he was going to get. Bennett looked at Razor walking by his side. Even though he'd gotten taller he never walked ahead of Bennett. He'd managed to always keep his pace. 

Bennett smiled, folding his hands behind his back and walking with a skip in his step. Completely oblivious to the things around him. Like, for example, the ball headed straight for his face. 

Razor reached out and grabbed it before it could hit him. Bennett stared at the back of Razor's hand admiring the details of his skin. His veins were popping out from the grip he had on the ball. He watched as his long time friend threw the ball back over in the direction it came, at double the speed. 

"You saved me again," Bennett smiled. 



Razor nodded. He glanced away and then glanced back. "Do I get a proper kiss now?" he spoke quietly. 

"Oh, um," Bennett felt his cheeks turn pink but he didn't understand why they'd do that. "Okay. Sure." 

Razor leaned down again and Bennett gave him a kiss. He didn't expect Razor to pull him into an embrace. Nor did he expect Razor to lick his lips. Bennett gasped feeling Razor's hand move slightly under his shirt. This wasn't the first time they'd kissed like this but Bennett hadn't noticed how touchy Razor was before. 

"S-stop! Razor..." Bennett mewled and Razor pulled away. He didn't stop clinging to Bennett but he wasn't kissing him either. 


"Come on, we're going to be late for class," Bennett huffed, adjusting his shirt and walking ahead. Razor followed behind, catching up quickly, and walking beside Bennett just as before. 

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