Pound or Beat Up

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I gasped and rushed to her puttin' my hand on her shoulder. "Oh, Brooklyn!"

She winced. "It hurts."

"Who did this?!"

She simply shook her head. "I can't."

"Why not?" I frowned.

"Because I don't want you to get upset."

"I'm already upset!"

"It'll be worse. I can't tell you. For your own good." Brooklyn argued.

I was now very worried. "Brooklyn just tell me. I already got kicked off the cheer squad."

"What?" She gasped.

"No deflections! What happened to you? You have to tell me!"

"Fine..." She sighed. "I was walking in the park and... Your dad showed up."

My breath hitched in my throat. "M-my dad?"

She nodded her head solemnly. "I don't think he was looking for me. He just- he saw me and... He was really mad."

"And he did this to you?" I asked timidly even though I knew the answer.

She nodded. "I'm so sorry."

I shook my head. I wasn't sad. I was angry. Very angry. How could my father do this?! He was insane!

"Whatever." I sighed. "I don't care what anyone thinks. I'm stayin' with you."

Her brow furrowed. "But your parents would never let you..."

"Well then I won't tell them."

She looked shocked.

"I'm sick of carin' what they think. I just don't anymore."

Brooklyn smiled. "In that case, sure. I still love you."

"I still love you too." I grinned. "And I wanted to give you this." I reached into my pocket and pulled out a simple gold chain anklet.

She gasped. "Oh, Car! I love it so much!" She snatched it from me and engulfed me in a bear hug. "Thank you!"

I chuckled. "You're welcome!"

She pulled back and reached down, just above her dark blue Vans, putting the jewelry on her ankle. She twisted her foot around, watchin' it. "It's perfect. I'll wear it every day!"

"Just like you."

Brooklyn burst out laughin'. "Well that was cliché!"

I laughed too. "Yeah I guess it was. But I can't think right. I love you way too much for that."


The next day there was a basketball game and I dreaded walkin' into school without my uniform on.

As I entered the double doors, I cringed at all the cheerleaders in their cute little outfits, textin' and gossipin' and puttin' on lipgloss. That should've been me.

I walked through the senior hallway like every day because it was a shortcut to my locker. Soon I wished I had taken the long way because I saw Hailey, dressed in her uniform, giving me the snuggest, bitchiest look I'd ever seen.

"How's it feel?" She sneered as I passed.

I blinked quickly to keep the tears at bay and rushed past her. I had to ignore several more comments after that.

The end of the senior hallway was in my sights. I just had to make it a few more feet and then-

"Carolina..." A smooth voice called, stepping in front of me.

"Oh." I stammered. "L-Lexie" then my brow furrowed as I took her in. She wore black leggings, a mint green sweater and brown combat boots. "Why aren't you in your uniform?"

She simply shrugged. "I quit."

My eyes bugged out and my mouth fell open. "What?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing. "But you're captain! Cheer is your life!"

She shrugged once more. "I can still do tumbling."

"But-but why?" I stuttered.

She fidgeted with the hem of her sweater. It was so unlike her. Her confidence seemed partially gone. "I couldn't keep doing that. Not after how they kicked you out."

"Don't you hate me to?"

Lexie shook her blonde head fast. "My big sister was gay too. She-she..." She looked down. "Killed herself."

I gasped. "I'm sorry."

"Yeah..." She looked back up, the confidence back. "Well I couldn't lead those bitches. Not after they were complete assholes about it."

I smiled slightly. "Thanks Lexie."

"Don't mention it."

"But who's gonna captain now."

Lexie's face darkened and she said in an eerily calm, yet deathly cold voice, "The whale."


She nodded and glared. "Fucking bitch was all too eager after I quit. And Porterfield was too fucking hungover to care who became captain."

I nodded sympathetically.

"Anyway..." She took a big sigh. "I quit because it wasn't right. That stupid squad was never fucking right. I tried to make it right. I really did. But those bitches just can't be helped." She paused. "I think part of the reason I liked you so much in the first place is because I saw something in you. I knew you were special. I knew you weren't like the rest of those- those basic bitches. I knew you could be helped and taught and I wanted to be the person to do that."

I was speechless. Lexie's speech somehow managed to be touchin' and insultin' all at the same time. I loved her and I hated her. She was amazing and she was horrible. I was grateful to her and I resented her. My relationship with her was just a mess of contradictions.

The former cheerleader seemed to see me strugglin' for words. "It's alright. You don't have to say anything. In fact I'd prefer it if you didn't. Feelings and shit aren't my thing."

I nodded.

She ran a hand through her honey colored hair and before turnin' on her heel she said, "See you 'round kid."

I watched her go until she was swallowed by the crowd of students rushin' to their classes and lockers and I couldn't see her anymore. Then I turned and walked into the freshman hallway.

Lexie was probably the worst friend I ever had. She was also probably the best.


I knew for sure.

Lexie Schonfield was the best friend I had ever had.

AN: SO DO YOU LOVE LEXIE YET? YOU BETTER OKAY!!! Hope you liked this chapter! Love you all! Remember to vote, comment, share and follow me!!!

- G. Schreiber

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