chapter twenty nine

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+ S C A R L E T T   D ' A N G E L O +

"Ow! Fuck you and fuck you!" I screamed, my fingers clenching around the bench.

"Seriously, fuck you!" I yell-cried, tears streaming down my face.

Cass was laughing at me while an on-call doctor poured alcohol onto my wound, dry-wiping it before digging around my cut with tweezers.

"Cass please make it stop." I swore, looking up at her. She was smirking whilst holding my hand, "You were the one who refused the hospital." She shrugged, "Your fault." 

I glared, "This sucks so much." 

"I know honey, but it's almost over, I can see what's causing you so much pain." The doctor smiled sympathetically, a sharp pain shooting through my knee as she stabbed the tweezers into my knee one last time.

I held my breath, seeing stars as I opened my eyes. 

The doctors gloves were covered in blood and the tweezers she was holding had a small, thic, black square the size of a keyboard key, "What the fuck... is that." I gagged.

"This is a chip. Like a flash-drive sort of thing." The doctor said. I looked to Cassidy to already find her looking at me, "What the fuck." She mouthed.

"Holy shit." 

We both eyed the chip, dabbing it with a paper-towel. 

The doctor packed up her kit after wrapping an entire roll of gauze around my knee.

I hobbled to the couch, grabbing my laptop. "What can we use this for? Where does it go?" I asked, "Don't you have that flash-drive thing, the one that connects to your computer." 

I smiled at her, "You're a fucking genius Cass." I reached into my purse on the floor and pulled out my cord, it was the size of my pinky and plus any flash drive into my computer.

I placed the chip onto the cord and for a second it did nothing, it wasn't until it made a quick beep noise and my computer lit up I knew it'd worked.

There was one single file that loaded in labeled 'wedding' and I clicked on it, curiosity gnawing at me. 

I was on the edge of my seat. The video loaded and it looked like someone setting a camera up. Everyone in the video had masks on so I couldn't make out who they were. There was three men and one woman.

"I'm guessing that's Kai's Mom and two out of the three men is Steven and your Dad." Cassidy said, pointing to the screen. "So who the hell is the other guy then?" 

She shrugged, "Are you scared?" She whispered. I bit my lip, nodding. I never like admitting when I'm scared because it shows vulnerability, but there is so many things wrong right now I don't have the energy to fake it let alone lie.

"I'm terrified." 

There wasn't a lot of talking on the video except for a few words exchanged here and there. It wasn't very interesting until someone walked into the room holding a wooden box.

"Put it there boss." Someone mumbled. There were a few weak attempts with a crowbar to unbox whatever the hell was inside but it finally opened, revealing the bomb.

"... You said we weren't gonna kill them, just hurt them enough they can't go through with the wedding." A voice I didn't recgonise.

"I told you Martinez, you do as I say. I don't care what happens to my son. Kill him or don't kill him, I just want the inheritance."

I gasped, my hand flying to my mouth. Cass comforted me quickly, writing down the name Martinez and Kai's Mom, the piece of paper filling up quickly with information.

I was so in shock and in my own world I barely noticed when the front door slammed open.

"We need to go, right now." Someone said. I turned around, seeing Chris.

"What? Why?" I stood up quickly, shutting my laptop. "If we're not out of here in five minutes, your whole place will be shot up." 

I didn't hesitate before throwing my laptop into my bag and grabbing my jeans. I shimmied them on and was out the door in less than a minute, Cassidy following behind me.

"Will you tell me what's going on?" 

"Your father wants you dead." Chris exclaimed, holding a car door open for me as I climbed inside, "What else is new?" I scoffed.

Cassidy was making herself comfortable beside me while I crossed my arms, "Where are we going?"

"The airport, half the men are already in Barcelona. We're going there now. To kill your father."

I wouldn't say I was shocked, or upset. I wasn't really anything.

"He knows you're not dead but he also knows you have the video." 

I looked to Cass who looked at me as well, "How do you know about that?" It was top secret for a reason...

"I was the one who recorded it." My heart started doing palpatations. "Chris..." 

"Look, watch the whole video and don't tell anybody that you have it. If that information gets out, you are going to be the target for every single gang in the world. Not just America." 

My fingertips started to tingle and sweat formed on my forehead, "Why me? What did I do?"

"It was planted on you long before the wedding. Years ago, by your Mom." The thought of my Mom made me cry, and I wiped a tear away.

"Martinez will explain everything on the plane. Just get to Barcelona in one piece and go from there, okay?" 

We were parked outside the airport and I grabbed my purse, "Thank you, Chris. Take care okay?" 

He nodded, "Be safe kid." 

I dragged myself out of the car, Cassidy following behind, "What're you doing? You can't come." I shook my head, "What? Yes I am girl I'm not letting you do this alone."


"This is what friends do, okay? They help each other." 

I smiled, "Now, lets go kill that son of a bitch and get our tans on, I hear it's hot in Barcelona this time of year." She winked, looping her arm through mine.

She blabbed my ear off the entire time, boarding the private jet soon after.

"This is nice girl, I should've been your friend way earlier." She smirked.

+ + + l̶͍̮̖͍̄̈́o̸̖͚̤̘̘̤̘̫̐v̸͕̿͋̚͝͝͠e̴̛̥͈͚̤̎̍͂̄̉̒͝͝ͅ + + +

I can't even right now... Scarlett finally made a friend!

Shit's about to go DOWN guys, I hope you're ready! Any sneaking suspicious about Kai... ;)

Thanks for reading Xx

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