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The sound of a home telephone ringing echoed through the nearly empty walls and rooms of the flat which happened to belong to nonother than Jisung himself.

The young male let his feet reach the ground rather tiredly, He'd been pretty exhausted from his night out from the anterior day. The dark haired boy made his way into the kitchen, which was where the phone sat at, an obnoxiously loud ringing still surging out of its speakers, he brought the phone to his ear and ran his fingers through his silky hair.

"Hello, this is Jisung. " he cringed at the sound of his awkward voice.

"Oh no need to introduce yourself, I know exactly who you are" a distorted, low voice was heard. A voice which sent chills down the younger's spine.

"Ha Ha, hilarious! who are you?" He spoke with sarcasm, not wanting to seem fazed with the person on the other end of the line.

"Who am I? Why don't we save that for the final act?" needless to see the face of the 'stranger', the smirk could almost be heard.

"Act?" an uneasy feeling developed deep in Jisung's chest, one that brought him anxiety and panic.

"No need to be afraid, Hannie. At least not yet" A quiet chuckle left the other's lips.

"Min, are you fucking with me right now?" he raised his voice slightly, wondering if the elder was the one finding amusement in Jisung's reaction.

"Wrong. Would you like to give another guess?"

"Fuck you" the younger one hung up the phone, considering this may be a stupid prank planned by one of his friends.

He placed the telephone back onto the station where it previously sat at and took a deep breath, not wanting to think too hard about the events from just a second ago. It was safe to assume that Jisung didn't get much rest that night.

a/n: idk what this is or where it's going but uh hyunsung horror story?? unedited.

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