Act 2 ; Scene 1

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Hyunjin drove Jisung home, the ride back was relatively quiet. The rain didn't seem to come to an end, neither of them were in place to complain though, the sound was peaceful. The car came to a stop and Jisung stepped off the car, for a moment Hyunjin thought he'd just leave , not saying goodbye, not saying anything, "Thanks, that was fun."

"I can walk you inside if you--"

"No, its okay! Thank you" he shut the door and jogged towards the building, avoiding standing under the rain for too long.

After a long and hot shower, Jisung had felt much better, lying on his clean sheets and sighing to himself.

Jesus... what the fuck is wrong with me?

He thought back to what'd happened just some hours earlier, wondering what had taken over his body. What drove him to want to kiss Hyunjin, it was unlike him. He was in love with Minho, he was with Minho.

"What? You're serious?" Hyunjin wasn't grinning anymore, he had a different look on his face, like he would've dropped anything to kiss him right then and there.

Jisung's eyes trailed down to Hyunjin's plump lips, "I'm... No, I'm joking" he chuckled dryly and looked elsewhere.

"Oh right" Hyunjin muttered, his chest suddenly feeling heavy.

Jisung looked at him, saw the expression on his face. Why did he feel guilty? Like he'd hurt Hyunjin. But that was a foolish thought, he was reading too much into things.

He didn't have feelings for his Hyunjin, he simply missed his best friend. He'd spent so much time with Minho that he'd neglected his very best friend. He felt like such an asshole, he should be spending more time with Hyunjin, he didn't want to lose their friendship over his relationship.




free schedule today :3
wanna hang laterr??

idk i have to check my schedule

cool! be there at 5

Hyunjin smiled behind the screen, looking across the window only to see Jisung smile as well. He'd found that the building beside Jisung's very own gave him full access to the younger's bedroom window. The building wasn't abandoned, or anything like that, Hyunjin was renting the room, he'd made it his very own art studio, finding that looking over into Jisung's bedroom, seeing him sleep or on his computer, often gave him inspiration to paint.

He hadn't rented the room to be closer to Jisung, it just happened to be affordable. And it wasn't that he'd chose the room that gave him a clear view to Jisung's bedroom, it just happened to be that it was the only room available. And of course, he wasn't hiding the fact that his art studio was neighboring Jisung's apartment, he just never asked.

Hyunjin put his phone down, looking down to Jisung's room, from his telescope, he was interested in astronomy of course. He watched as Jisung put his phone down, a smile on his face, was he excited to hang out with him later. Hyunjin wondered if he should prepare something for the younger one, his place was normally clean so he didn't worry of that but perhaps preparing a dish for Jisung would be nice, and just as he was about to pull away from the telescope, he saw something that definitely caught his attention.

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