Act 1 : Scene 2

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Hyunjin was well aware that Minho wouldnt be going to Jisung's home after their small hang out, leaving two things in mind. One; spend time with the boy he loved. Two; warn Minho. The faster he got rid of Minho, the faster he'd be with Jisung.

Hyunjin wondered how he'd ever let himself reach that point. The point where he felt like his only solution was hurting Minho or breaking them apart. He didn't recognize himself, he was blinded by the love he had for Jisung.

He'd go with option one, Jisung was his priority after all, and with Minho around, it was a lot harder spending time alone with the blonde one. The boys said their goodbyes and a short kiss was exchanged between Jisung and his lover, one that Hyunjin looked away from.

"need a ride home, sungie?" the taller one asked as Minho finally left the boy on his own. Hyunjins eyes shifted to the shorter boy in front of him, enjoying the nice cold breeze and company of the other.

"does the ride home include movies on a huge flat screen?" he joked, referring to Hyunjins home and the elder let out a soft giggle, placing his arm over Jisung's shoulder to give him some warmth, as the breeze grew stronger and colder.

"I could never say no to you, pretty boy" and at that, Jisung smiled at him, missing moments like that, he'd spent so much time with Minho that it felt like he hardly ever hung out with Hyunjin anymore.

Both males bickered about nothing important as they walked off to the elder's car. It was moments like those that led Hyunjin to believe that they could be something, it all felt so natural. There was never forced conversations nor was there awkward silence in the midst of their time together. Warmth spread across Hyunjins chest in an overwhelming yet welcoming manner. And perhaps they couldve been something.

They could've been even better than Hyunjin had ever fantasized of, true love even. But that flame that lived within Jisung was almost all out.


As the pair stepped foot into Hyunjin's home, they removed their shoes, setting them aside neatly. Jisung was first to rush to the living room, collapsing over the soft couch, " home sweet home" he said into the cushions as Hyunjin followed behind. The taller one smiled and pat Jisung's ass in a friendly manner, "You hadn't been here in a while, kkami missed you."

"Right. Where even is he?" Jisung sat up, looking around for the small long haired chihuahua.

"He's over at my mom's, she said she missed him. She chose him over me" he put his hand over his chest much too dramatically.

"Oh thats cold. Her loss, my win"  he joked but it only egged Hyunjin on even further.

"How so?" the taller one raised an eyebrow as the corners of his mouth eased into a smile.

"She let me keep my babysitter" Jisung looked up at him, anticipating a reaction, which he received. Hyunjin's smile was replaced with a scoff and a very annoyed expression. "You're sleeping on the couch tonight," he spoke coldly. At that, the younger one rose to his feet, quickly and firmly hugging the elder who wasn't expecting it.

"Im sorry, i was joking" he whined as a child would. Hyunjin let his hands wrap around the smaller one of the two, holding him close and feeling himself fall more in love with someone he couldn't have. Why couldn't they both be in love with one another? What did Minho give him that he couldn't? " i dont understand " he said out loud in a mumble.

"Hm?" Jisung looked up at him, Hyunjin shifting his gaze as well, locking eyes with one another, neither letting go. The taller one was in a trance, mesmerized by his bestfriend's soft features, finding him rather enchanting. Jisung couldn't hold the eye contact for too long, looking off elsewhere as his cheeks became rosy, his heart playing tricks on him. The shorter one of the two slowly released his grip from the elder but Hyunjin held him tighter, "lets just stay like this for a bit longer, yeah?"

Jisung gave him a short nod, holding him once more, he was overthinking something that wasnt there. If anything, Jisung was well aware he was an overthinker, it was a bad trait of his and he despised himself for it.

"i missed you, hannie" the taller one spoke in a low tone and suddenly, upon hearing the nickname, Jisung was back in his home, picking up the phone and hearing that same voice that was giving him unease and anxiety.

The younger one visibly tensed up, forcing himself away from Hyunjin. "Were you the asshole that called me? Hyunjin, were you the one fucking with me? " he asked, his eyes turning dark.

"Huh? What are you talking about? Fucking with you?" The taller one replied, seeming lost by what the latter accused him of. "Are you alright?" he continued, placing an arm over the shorter one's shoulder. Jisung's eyes followed Hyunjin's very own, his gaze softening once more, feeling shame for lashing out on the guy he trusted more than anyone else. "Im sorry, hyune... i just received a weird call the other night and its been messing with me" he apologized.

"Weird call as in what?" Hyunjin examined the other's expression, waiting for him to further elaborate.

"Some asshole called and said they knew me. They called me 'hannie' and when you said it i just, it brought me back to that. They said something about a play... no, an act. That I didnt have to be afraid yet" He looked down to his hands as he spoke, embarrassed of how he let things affect him in such manners.

"Oh my darling, it must've been a prank call or something, you know its real common now.. Did you tell someone else about this?" He asked, his hands falling over Jisung's, holding them and rubbing small circles with his thumbs to ease his nerves.

Jisung shook his head, "i didn't wanna bother anyone with my paranoia"

"Im glad you told me. If you dont feel safe at home, you can always stay here, as long as you leave a good rating" he joked, poking the younger's side.

In that moment, Jisung felt relief, he was grateful for having someone like Hyunjin in his life. Someone he could trust, someone who would be there for him no matter what, and someone he loved so deeply.

The pair later decided on watching a horror movie which ended with both males asleep on the couch.

a/n : update after months
hyunsung soft moment
— unedited

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