Act 2 ; Scene 2

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That kiss may have put out the fire within Jisung but it only fired up Hyunjin's feelings, a fire that became much more dangerous.

Their teeth crashed against each other, tongues tying in a knot as years of feelings were poured into a singular kiss.

They hesitantly pulled away from one another as they heard the knocking of someone at the door. "You expecting someone?" Jisung asked, out of breath, looking absolutely beautiful in the Hyunjin's eyes

"No, just you, just want you" he mumbled against the other's lips, slowly reuniting their lips into a softer kiss. One that Jisung melted into, a pleased hum leaving his lips as they moved in sync.

The knocking came again, and both broke away from the embrace of each other's lips once again.

"I'll be right back" Hyunjin kissed the younger's forehead before going off to open his front door, hoping it was some sort of emergency and worth interrupting his intimate kiss with Jisung. Upon opening the door, he was met with Minho, his expression dropped as the reality of their lives suddenly urged back into his mind, a reality where Jisung was in a relationship with another man.

"Hey, is Jisung here?" he asked, not looking for small talk apparently, but frankly, Hyunjin preferred it that way.

But as Hyunjin was about to deny the latter's question, Jisung had walked up behind him, eyes still red and lips now swelling even more.

"Minho..." the youngest one spoke softly but Minho grew worried as he saw the state of his boyfriend, the expression of fear and sadness on his face.

"Hey, baby. What's wrong?" he suddenly asked, stepping closer and reaching for his boyfriend.

"I'm uh..." Jisung found himself linking his hand with Minho's, exchanging glances with Hyunjin, worried of what they'd done, realizing it was wrong, it was a mistake. But somehow, all he could feel was guilt and lust. Guilt because he was a shit of a boyfriend, and because even though he was sure he was in love with Minho, a part of him had been unleashed with that shared kiss with his best friend. All of those childhood feelings, that crush, rushing through his body once more as he'd kissed Hyunjin.

"I'm okay" he continued.

"Are you?" Hyunjin muttered.

"Yes." he deadpanned at the taller one, who only responded with a cold gaze, one that Jisung hadn't been used to and wouldn't ever want to get used to.

"Why are you here? is something wrong?? " Jisung redirected his attention to Minho.

"Uhm, maybe we should talk in private" Minho suggested, pressing a gentle kiss onto the younger's temple.

"Oh alright. I'll just grab some stuff and I can meet you in the car?' Jisung suggested, to which the other agreed, leaving the younger ones alone again.

Hyunjin shut the door and pressed his back against it, " please tell me this won't be it."

Jisung chewed onto his lower lip, grabbing his stuff from the elder's couch, "Hyunjin... we shouldn't have kissed. I mean, I have a boyfriend, and I'm in love with him, I am--"

"Are you? That kiss, I mean it was more than just curiosity of fulfilling that sixteen-year-old curiosity, no?  It felt real. It felt right... right?" Hyunjin's voice began to heighten, tears collecting in his eyelashes, making his vision a blur.

Jisung wanted to rush to him, cup his face and tell him that it was all real, that he didn't know how or why but that he was still in love with him, he wanted to kiss him again and feel okay. But he couldn't because he knew it was wrong, he would be taking a step backwards, opening a chamber of feelings that should've remained shut years ago. He was in love with Minho and perhaps those 'feelings' for Hyunjin, were just memories and attachment.  

But of course, he had to evade falling into temptation with Hyunjin. "I just think we both are confused and acted on lust."

"I'm not confused, Jisung. Me kissing you wasn't me being confused and lustful. I know how I feel for you. Fuck, i only want you, Jisung!" Hyunjin blurted, regretting it as soon as he spoke it into existence.

Jisung was at a loss for words, the guy who'd once owned his heart had just confessed but the timing was horrible. It was impossible for Jisung not to feel something, he was in love, and those feelings don't simply vanish, but they definitely do diminish.

"Hyunjin... im sorry, i.. i dont know what you want me to say.." he looked away, ashamed of himself for reaching so low with his best friend.

Hyunjin stepped closer to the younger one, cupping his face and reconnecting their gazes, "Tell me that you have feelings for me too. That I'm not just imagining all of this! Tell me that you want me like i want you."

Jisung melted into the touch, "i.. we can't, hyune.." he mumbled, staring into the elders eyes which had gone red and teary.

"Why can't we ?" Hyunjin inched closer.


"No. Don't tell me its because of Minho. You can say anything but that. What do you want?" he asked, his voice low and croaky but hopeful.

Jisung felt stuck, unsure of what he was meant to say or do, the world was spinning and everything he'd built seemed to be tumbling down in just matter of minutes.

Readers choice

What should Jisung do ?
option a )  : tell hyunjin that he still has feelings
option b ) : kiss him
option c ) : walk away from the situation and find out what Minho has to tell him

an : decided to try smth new, might make this a series where the readers can decide what happens so please vote !!

the last act : hyunsung Where stories live. Discover now