Act 1 : Scene 5

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The following morning after the incident brought Hyunjin back to the reality of his life, the life where Jisung was not his, at least not yet. Hyunjin was first to wake, his body pressed against Jisung's smaller frame, the only warmth his body craved. Jisung was wrapped around the elder, a beautiful sight. Hyunjin couldnt help but guide his slender fingers to the youngers bangs that covered his eyes, slowly and carefully brushing the hair away from his eyes. He admired the boy's soft skin, wanting to touch and kiss every centimeter of his face. 

His fingers slowly found their way down to Jisung's lips, delicately touching them. The younger's eyes slowly fluttered open, groaning softly as he made an attempt at shuffling in bed, thinking he was at his very own place but was surprised when he found himself entangled in someone's arms, Hyunjin's

They locked eyes and once again Hyunjin felt his world stop, this time Jisung felt it as well. His mind told him it wasn't romantic feelings but more so the deep connection they'd formed years ago, but he would be lying if he said he didn't feel his stomach twisting and turning, he wasn't sure if that was necessarily a good thing. 

"Were you watching me sleep?" Jisung finally spoke, his voice croaky. 

"And if I was?" The other grinned. 

"Did I at least look good?" He couldn't help the smile that formed on his face. 

"Well 'good' would be an understatement," he inched their faces closer.

Jisung chuckled at that, rolling his eyes "You're such a flirt sometimes, Hwang Hyunjin."

"Is that so bad?"

"Do you forget I'm dating Minho?" he raised an eyebrow, smiling, even though there was nothing to be smiling about. How could Hyunjin possibly forget that he was in love with a taken man? How could he forget when it was all he thought of, it was the thought of them that consumed him entirely. 

"He's also not in bed with you holding him like he'll disappear right?" Hyunjin reminded, eyes gazing at the other's lips for a brief second. The tension was there, they could both feel it, and the memories of the previous night came rushing to Jisung. He remembered hearing Hyunjin expressing his love for him, had it been a dream? No, he could vividly remember that, remember how he felt his heart beat faster and faster, reminding him of a time where he was hopelessly in love with Hyunjin, a time that had to remain in the past. 

Jisung looked down at their position, noticing he hadn't let go of the elder. He pulled away, his face and ears burning up. Hyunjin laughed as the others face shifted to a bright red, "Hannie, you are so cute!" 

"Ah stop making fun of me now" He shook his head and got up, stretching his limbs and making little noises here and there that made Hyunjin find him even cuter. 

"I've gotta go home and change... I was thinking for our hang out later--"

"Date" Hyunjin interrupted. 

"Yeah whatever you wanna call it. Theres a cute cafe we could go and try. And we can go to the park after. What do you think?" 

"Sounds perfect." Hyunjin smiled, a smile different from the usual friendly ones, it was one of those smiles one gets when speaking of or to the person you have feelings for. 

"See you later then" Jisung nodded, "and thank you."

"Yeah yeah, go and get real cute now. Text me once you're ready and I'll go pick you up."


Hyunjin opened the door with ease, knowing where the key was hidden. No one was home, the rooms of Minho's place were empty, but of course Hyunjin knew that. He knew Minho would be busy working out. He scanned the walls of his place, the picture frames, the books neatly placed on some shelves in the living room, probably never read. 

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