Act 1 : Scene 4

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It had been a while since Hyunjin and Jisung had last met, it was thursday night and rain was pouring, Jisung wondered if the weather would be just as gloomy the following day, the day he was meant to go on a date with Hyunjin. Not that he'd mind it, in fact, he loved rainy days, he loved that he had an excuse to feel blue. He found comfort in his sadness.

"What are we doing tonight?" Minho asked, using Jisung's bottom as a pillow as they both lied on the elder's bed.

Jisung groaned, " I'm tired, this is perfect weather for a horror movie, dont you think?" he smiled knowing just how much certain horror movies freaked out Minho.

"How about we watch a ghibli movie, you like those." he said calmly and unbothered by the younger's suggestion but Jisung could see right through him.

They watched a series of films throughout the remainder of the night, enjoying eachothers company.

"oh, by the way, Hyunjin and i are going out tomorrow." Jisung brought it up casually.

"Where are you guys going?"

"I havent decided yet but i owe him"

"owe him for what?"

"just a bet i lost" he giggled awkwardly.

"you should stop making bets you know you'll lose. You'll go bankrupt that way"

As the last film of the night came to an end, Jisung pulled himself apart from his boyfriend who was sleeping soundly.


The sound of a text message distracted Jisung who was walking home, regretting not staying at Minho's place.

you awake?

Jisung checked the time only to see it was nearing 1am , walking home at that hour was most definitely a bad idea.


Neither am i
Why are you not sleeping yet

im going home

is there a bus that runs this late that i dont know of ?

Jisung smiled at his screen like an idiot, paying less and less attention to his surroundings.

are you walking home???


fuck jisung
where are you??
send me your location

its fine hyune
im okay
its late

exactly why i need your location

Jisung sighed and reluctantly shared his location although he was mostly relieved. His thoughts became consumed of that person that called him. He wondered if he was being watched. And if he was, what would he do? Where would he run to? Would he shout? Would he trip and make himself an easy target. The thoughts ran through his head and the more he waited, he became more and more anxious by the second.

Hyunjin didn't bother to change clothes, putting on a jacket and out the door. He followed the location that was sent to him, anxiously tapping the steering wheel. If anything were to happen to Jisung he would simply go insane. He pushed the speed higher, going above the speed limit with no intentions of slowing down. As he arrived to the sent location he stopped the car and swore his heart collapsed all at one.

the last act : hyunsung Where stories live. Discover now