Act 1 : Scene 1

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Jisung put down the tray loaded with americanos and sweet desserts right on the center of the booth's table which was surrounded by the boys whom he referred to as his friends and his boyfriend, of course. The group of friends got together at a diner, the same place they went to almost every other day during their freshmen year.

"How kind, jisungie! he bought us all food" Changbin exclaimed rather loudly, making a couple of them giggle but also getting a reaction from Jisung himself.

"i bought them food, not you. Why would i buy food for someone who owns a tall ceiling and a chandelier?" he joked but Changbin only whined.

Jisung finally sat himself down, beside his boyfriend, Lee Minho. The elder one placed a hand on his thigh as he saw how it bounced uncontrollably just a couple of seconds after seating himself. Minho massaged the younger's thigh reassuringly, rubbing circles while wondering what may be bothering his boyfriend. The couple became lost in their own bubble, not catching a glimpse of the boy whose eyes were piercing into their skulls.

Hyunjin sat across the lovers, noting how Minho's hand seemed to be placed over Jisung's thigh, and how the younger one looked into his boyfriend's eyes as if he were the only one for him. That only enraged Hyunjin, why couldn't Jisung look at him in that way? The taller one knew that no matter how much effort he put into winning Jisung over, he would never be seen with those eyes that almost seem to sparkle, those eyes that held nothing but love and adoration for the other. Those eyes that only ever looked at Minho. There was a time when Hyunjin did have hope, but well that was far too long ago.

Jisung and Hyunjin were the ideal love trope of childhood friends to lovers, or at least that's what the taller one believed. The now long-haired male and brunette one had grown up together, they lived on the same block and Jisung had loved to play hopscotch around the time they met, neither of them being a day over eight. Hyunjin was his family's baby at the time so of course it was no surprise that he had a 'fancy' light up scooter in a bright blue color, it was the same one that caught Jisung's attention as he hopped on one leg from one block to another.

Hyunjin rode his scooter up to the younger boy's house, noticing the face of amusement he held, "My name is Hwang Hyunjin! What's yours?"

Jisung gulped and admired the blue scooter, "Jisung.. Han Jisung" he stumbled over his words.

"My mom bought me this scooter for christmas." Hyunjin said, bragging.

"Would you like to use it?"He tilted his head to the side, noticing the way Jisung stared at it.

"Really?!" His face lit up as he immediately let his feet guide him closer to the boy.

"Uh-huh! You can use it if you want... But dont break it! its new and my mom will kill me" he warned, just looking for a friend.

It was that small interaction that led to a beautiful, young, and innocent friendship. Since both boys had been attending the same elementary school, they'd search for eachother during their breaks and eat their food together along with playing a couple of games here and there.

They became their own yin and yang, Jisung being the trouble maker and Hyunjin ironically being the 'good' kid. What one didnt expext was to catch feelings for the other, of course, many might say its bound to happen but what Hyunjin didnt expect was for his best friend to confess so casually. They were 18 then, Jisung thought it no longer mattered, those feelings had been long gone, just the way he wished for, he didnt want to possess something that could potentially ruin a bond as strong as theirs. And possibly if the younger one hadnt confessed that time, things would have been oh so distinct.

" You broke up with nam kyung didnt you? " Jisung inquired.

"No" the taller one replied soft spokenly, launching a rock across the field.

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