Act 1 : Scene 3

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By the time morning came around, Hyunjin was first to wake, feeling the warmth of someone else's body on his. The elder struggled keeping his eyes open, still tired from the horror movie marathon he and Jisung had, but seeing the younger one sleep so peacefully over his chest was what kept his eyes open. Hyunjin slowly led his slender fingers to the younger's hair, running them delicately through the soft, light colored hair. He imagined what was out for him, whether he'd manage to charm Jisung once more or ... no , he was sure he would win Jisung over.

Hyunjin felt the urge to wake the other with a fine breakfast but had no intentions in waking Jisung with his movement. Carefully, he slipped past the younger one, admiring his features attentively, contemplating whether he should leave a gentle kiss over his bestfriend's pretty lips. The sight of Jisung sleeping so peacefully warmed Hyunjin's cold heart.
He couldn't help himself, rather than kissing his lips, he pressed his plump lips against Jisung's exposed forehead in a much too delicate manner.

Hyunjin had fantasized of waking Jisung with breakfast in bed, of course as lovers and not under the morbid title of friends. He had fantasized of doing just about everything lovers did with one another with his Jisung.


The aroma of food was what woke the blonde one from the couch, that and the pain from his neck. He shifted around, smal grunts and whines slipping past his lips just before slowly opening his eyes, blinking slowly.

"Fuck, did you really make me .. sleep on the couch?" his voice was deep, his morning voice almost caught the elder off guard.

Hyunjin finished plating their breakfast and brought it to the couch, normally eating on the couch would be off limits but he supposed he could make an exception for Jisung. "Yes, i told you" he joked as he sat down, suggesting for the other to sit up.

"I would nag but you've made me breakfast" he rubbed his eyes, sitting up and yawning softly, a sight Hyunjin would pay for. He was so pretty, especially in the mornings when his face was puffy, voice deeper than usual, no makeup, hiding nothing. "I fell asleep on the couch. We both did," he explained as the younger one took a plate from his hands, sheepishly smiling at the breakfast he received.

"Thank you, Hyune~" he cooed before diving in.

"Its nothing, did you sleep alright?" he asked, taking small bites from his food, dragging the fork across the glass.

"Aside from my sore neck, I surprisingly did."

"It's not five stars for nothing, huh?"

"Right, i even received a nice breakfast with a tall, handsome man." his lips curled into a small smile.

"If you didn't have a boyfriend, I'd even think you're flirting with me" Hyunjin tipped his head to the side followed by a subtle smirk.

Jisung's phone buzzed beside him, "speaking of him," he picked up.

Hyunjin pressed his lips together into a thin line, poking at the food with a fork picturing its Minho.

" Im at Hyune's, my love "

"Ah, alright..."

"... Mhm. Okay thank you, baby"

The sweet moment between them was cut short, oh how Hyunjin despised Minho, even as he was sitting beside the boy he was in love with, Minho had to intervene and ruin any kinds of plans he had.

"Ah, sorry Hyune. Minho, he uh... he's coming to pick me up in a few." He put his phone aside, finishing up the breakfast that Hyunjin had poured his heart into.

"Oh, okay." he said dryly. i'll put you in your goddamn grave, Minho.

He stood up, taking Jisung's empty plate and his own to the kitchen.

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