CHAPTER 14: Astrid Talks To The Wizard

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"Did you find her!?" My mom yelled over to my dad. They're like one hundred feet away.
"No! She's not here!" My dad yelled back, getting worried.
Mom ran over to dad and told him, "If you didn't walk off looking all mad, maybe Kara wouldn't fly away." Mom told my dad sternly.
"I know, and I'm sorry."
"Hey. I got an idea." My mom said while my dad glanced at her, waiting to hear what she has to say. "I can go ask the wizard about changing our daughter back while you go search for her."
My dad thought it over for minute. "I don't know, honey. Are you sure you can handle him? For one thing, I'm sure he's stubborn. He wouldn't even let me search for my own daughter on 'his island.'"
"I'm sure." My mom replied and kissed dad in the lips. "I'll see you in a bit."
Mom hopped on Storm Fly and flew off, leaving dad by his lonesome.
"Looks like it's just you and me, bud." My dad told him while watching my disappear.
When my mom arrived at the island across from Itchy Armpit, she hopped off of Storm Fly and glanced around the area.
"Wizard!!" My mom exclaimed. "Where are you!"
Everything was still.
"Hello!?" My mom yelled some more.
A bush rustled and the wizard came out. "Why are you on my property!? Go!! Get out of here!!"
"I'm on your property because of what you've done!!" My mom yelled.
"What are you talking about?" The wizard asked confused.
"You turned my daughter into a Night Fury!!"
"She deserved it! She was on this island like you are!! Now go!!"
My mom signed. "She didn't deserve that!! This WHOLE island can't be yours!!!"
"Oh yes it can!! Only when I say so!!"
"What if people want to explore this beautiful island? Can't you have a little bit of it?"
"No!! I built a bunch of places everywhere on this island which is part of my property!!" He argued.
"Come on, there's got to be a cure for her! Can't you just change her back?"
"No can do! She's stuck like that forever!! At least she can shift back and forth! Be glad that she's not JUST a Night Fury!!"
Mom sighed sadly.
"If she didn't come on this island, she wouldn't be half Night Fury. Now get out of here!!" The wizard yelled. "Or I'll turn you into one as we!!"
Mom and Storm Fly flew off. 'What a jerk.' Mom thought.

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