Round 6 - TERROR

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PROMPT : WRITE a HORROR MASHUP mashup OF 1.2 words with both the horror and action genre.

Dropped in some kind of arena, torch flares lit the area as if it were daytime.

Gazing upwards as the eagles rose, Jo saw a rider on each. Dressed in clothing matching the eagles' feathers, she recognized the faces even though the glimpses were fleeting.

Surrounded by a ring of guards, the captives stood and dusted sand from their surcoats.

As one, the foursome felt struck when the crowd roared, "Kill! Kill! Kill!"

A trumpet sounded.

Guards with spears opened a path from the back and a tall man wearing a crown and costume of a king strode to the foursome. Guards followed closely.

"Move back! Move back!" he bellowed.

Gazing upon them, he shouted, "What do we have here?— They don't look royal!"

His eyes circling his prey, he demanded, "Which one of you is royal?"

In the silence, a well-seasoned warrior stepped forward. Dropping to kneel, he answered, "All of them, Your Majesty."

"Well, Sir Tyron, our game will begin." He turned away, hesitated and turned back, asking, "Are you all royal?"

Knowing their lives were at risk, the three teens looked to their father to answer. 

"Yes, we are— but, what is the charge?"

As if he hadn't heard, the king called, "To the stands! This won't take long!"

The sandy floor grew larger as guards followed their king through a door, soon filling the standing areas above where nobility and higher ranking sat. The king had his own booth.

Great roars sounded as an iron grill rose. Rushing from their prison, more than a dozen huge lions pounced out. Howling, circling the four, they prepared to attack.

"Be calm, don't speak!" Jo warned, then added, "Max, stand by Jaz, and Aurik, come close to me." Taking Jaz's hand they swung around so their father and brother were between.

Jo and Jaz sang. It was in Hebrew, a lullaby. Their strong voices rang out as if they had loud hailers.

The silence was so amazing; no one flinched.

Jo felt the breath of the largest lion against her face. Crushing the horror rising, she kept her gaze into his eyes while keeping in tune.

A memory struck the great beast and he licked her face. Jaz kept singing. The lead lion sat back on his haunches, then down on his stomach.

One by one, the great cats lay down, watching and listening.

Jo and Jaz began chanting.

The lion king rose, staring up at the crowd, howling, then roaring, its huge teeth drooled. He stalked around in a circle, looking up. The pride followed with their eyes on the crowds above.

The king snatched a spear and threw it. Howling, the alpha leapt up the wall beneath the king's booth. His claws reached the top, then, slipping, he pushed away, springing back to the sandy floor.

Chaos erupted as a lioness, roaring, leapt right up into the stands.

Bounding over the quickly vacated seats, she leapt toward the king.

Tyron threw a spear at her and it skimmed across the back of her neck. With a howl, she slunk down to the wall, jumping to the sand to be greeted by her mate. He licked the blood at her neck and roared.

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