Round 3 - TO THE CITY

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Placing the golden crown on his head, Prince Jazper shouted, "Company! Get to your feet! Prepare to return to my city

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Placing the golden crown on his head, Prince Jazper shouted, "Company! Get to your feet! Prepare to return to my city. We'll celebrate our victory with a great banquet!"

Those who could, moved to obey.

Scanning the carnage with a scheming scowl, the prince strutted around the edge of the fallen men. He yelled, "Krygol! Yoan! Zygot!— Deal to those who can't stand; make it instant!"

Protests of disagreement sounded, joined by the king.

Jaz and Jo's thoughts merged, 'This prince and his henchmen are lunatics, we must use our gift to prevent more murder.'

Jo leapt over as many of the wounded and dead as she could, hurrying to Jaz.

The assassins drew their swords.

Face-to-face, palms together, fingers entwined, Jaz and Jo sank to their knees. Praying softly in Hebrew, they waited.


Time seemed to stand still but did not. It was as though everyone was in a trance.

The king was the only one not affected by the words of Jaz and Jo, the only one who had understood their Hebrew prayer.

Moving from man to man, Jaz and Jo spoke a prayer over each of the injured and unconscious.

No one moved.

The prince breathed but like a statue, was transfixed.

Jo pressed her fore-finger on their father's lips as he stuttered a question. Placing her palm across his forehead, it healed. Jaz covered the bandage on his father's leg with both hands.

Men stood as if never injured; only the dead remained on the ground.

Prince Jazper stared around as many footmen stood and obeyed by falling into rank while horsemen began searching for their mounts.

Ten of the escort of twelve joined King Aurik, staring at Jo and Jaz as if they'd never seen them before. A captain, leading the king's horse from the forest, called, "Search for the rest of our mounts."

Prince Jazper's voice sounded out a command, "Stay and bury the dead!" He frowned, not knowing why he ordered such a thing. He countermanded, "No, leave them. Fetch my mount! I'm impatient to leave! We've spent too much time here, achieving nothing."

Unsteady on his feet while turning a full circle, the prince's eyes connected with Jaz's, then with Jo's. The king stood between the pair.

Drawing his sword, the prince stepped towards them.

The king's company drew their swords.

"Sheath your swords! Let us part in peace..." the king began.

"I hear you, but you will address ME as KING— old man!" Glaring at Jo and Jaz, the prince yelled, "I see you two! It is ill that you outnumber me! Leave my kingdom— you're not welcome in my city or palace. Keep this man who would be your father and not mine— keep him away from me!"

The captain spoke softly, "We don't outnumber them."

The chief henchman led the prince's horse to him.

Following their would-be-king away from the tragic scene, they all were unaware of the amount of time gone that most would never recall.

"To the city, Sire?"

"Yes, Captain Jacques, but not the usual way." King Aurik couldn't believe how different he felt, healthy, energetic. "Jaz— take that spare horse. Mount behind me, Jo. We'll ride to the city, but a different way."

Merging from the forest, the walled city stretched out before them.

"It's well guarded," Jaz said, pointing, "See the archers?"

The king called, "Turn back! Take the second track left. We'll need to ride single file."

The king led through overhanging branches into a narrow gap in a rock face, twisting and turning.

"Leave the horses in the glade. We go by foot, the urban way."

The narrow tunnel grew wider and wider. From open archways, voices sounded out, more chatter; foot, hoof, and wheel noises reverberated.

A voice called, "Who goes here?"

Flaming torches carried by a trio of city guards lit the underground.

"Your majesty," the leader said bowing with his companions. Lifting his head, he asked, "How may we help you, Sire?"

"We come seeking to merge with those among whom we have practiced the urban style of living. This time, it is for real, Captain Paul. Lead us to our urban dwelling."

Soon they were in tunnels with doorways on either side. On and on they walked.

"We will stay, live, in this densely populated urban area until we have a plan to recapture our palace," the king declared, adding, "We will dress in urban clothing and you will call me, 'Max.' It will be as we play-acted and enjoyed a while back. I will get to know more about my talented offspring, my new prince and princess."

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