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Zaelah's P.O.V

Weeks passed rapidly as the rebuilding of my kingdom took place; everything seemed normal—almost perfect.

My father did his best not to express his thoughts on Malik which I expect was per my mother's request, but knowing him he was probably devising something, I could only hope I'd find out what before it was too late.

I watched as the sky darkened while I walked through my favourite part of my home which was the garden with two guards a few feet away from me as the smell of lavender, roses and lilies greeted my nose instantly.

I remembered when I used to come out here with my parents and we'd play a game of tag whenever they had free time.

Those memories are ones I held close to my heart as I wished to be 5 once again since I didn't have to worry about a mate or a betrayal from the man who I thought would protect me no matter what.

"Zaelah, dinner is almost ready." I heard my mother's sweet voice, and I faced her immediately.

"I'll be right there," I informed her and I expected her to leave, but she walked closer to me with a small smile as she slipped her arm into mine, joining me on my walk.

"Do you remember when we used to play hide and seek here?" She inquired.

"You and Kai could never find me as I hid in the tiniest spots you could not see nor reach," I stated and I noticed a found appeared on her brows, showing her wrinkles that came with age.

"I'm sorry about your father's recent behaviour as you and I know this is not like him." She stated and I sighed stopping my feet from moving as I turned to her once again.

"I do not wish to speak further about him. That man is no longer my father." I told her firmly and her frown deepened, obviously not liking a word I said, but she nodded allowing us to continue the walk towards the stone bench that was positioned in front of red roses.

As we approached it, I could feel myself getting hotter and hotter, sweat forming against my forehead.

"Zaelah, are you alright?" I swallowed hard as I nodded.

She placed her hand on my forehead which seemed to burn her as she immediately withdrew it.

"You are burning up, come take a seat." She directed me and I did, breathing heavily while I began to experience horrendous pain mixed with heat.

"What's wrong with you?" She asked me, concern filling her voice and I shrugged feeling like I wanted to cry, but I was unable to as my eyes were completely dry.

"Guards, bring Nina now!" My mother ordered and they didn't need to hear anything as they rushed inside for the auburn-haired Alkebulan.

I could feel my vision blurring, but my mother cupped my face which seemed to hurt her but she ignored the pain as she stared deeply into my eyes.

"You're going to be fine ok?" She told me, but I didn't respond because I didn't believe her.

A couple minutes had passed before Nina arrived and the sight of her had relief greeting my mother's features.

"What's wrong with her?" My mother asked, worried as she stepped aside for Nina to check me.

"She's in heat." She announced before turning to the guards who my mother had sent for her, "Pick her up and carry the queen to her room."


One of the guards placed me on my bed before leaving as Nina and my mother looked at me worriedly.

"I'll draw you a cold bath," Nina notified me, leaving my sight while my mother took a seat beside me.

"You're going to be fine." She assured me, but I still didn't believe her as I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen that had me whimpering in agony and I did my best to keep in the tears that were begging to fall in defeat from the unbearable pain I was currently experiencing.

"What do you need?" My mother asked me softly and my mind immediately answered that question before I even had the chance to think about it.


"Malik," I answered, weakly drawing a stressed sigh from her.

"We have no way of contacting him again." She reminded me and I knew she was right because he might not be at the same place Nina had sent the letter last time so the spell wouldn't work.

"The bath is ready," Nina announced while she stepped back into the room.

I kept in any sound of the discomfort I was feeling as they both helped me off the bed, leading me to my bathroom.

"Drink this once you enter, it should help you with the pain."

Nina handed me a silver cup that was filled with some kind of liquid.

"W-what is it?" I asked curiously.

"Buaven. It will help your body relax and suppress the heat and pain for an hour." She explained as my mother pull down the zip at the back of my dress.

"Call us if you need anything." I nodded weakly, placing the Buaven beside the bathtub as they left, closing the door.

I did my best to ignore the prickling heat while I stripped out of my clothes before entering the freezing cold water that pulled a breath of relief from the depths of my throat as the second the water greeted my melanated skin it cancelled out the heat that was boiling my blood, allowing me to feel more relaxed than ever since I was now given the chance to focus my thoughts and calm my beating heart.

My eyes fluttered closed as my mind shifted to Malik.

Where was he?

Was he even coming?

I knew it was far too early to be making assumptions about his absence but I couldn't help it because he was the only known antidote for this tormenting pain and I honestly wasn't sure if I'd be able to survive the night without him which only had fear rising in the pits of my stomach, weakening me more.

My eyes shot open when the water that once cooled my scalding body began boiling, so I weakly reached for the Buaven, bringing the cup between my lips, drinking all its contents like it was the only way for me to live.

I forced myself not to gag at the taste because it reminded me of cerasee tea without sugar, though unlike cerasee it was unexpectedly slimy, but despite the taste and texture I had to say Nina was right, it relieved me from the continuous misery I had been undergoing which allowed my curious mind to push forth questions.

How did Nina know about my heat?

I knew she couldn't have just guessed, so maybe—Unfortunately, the peace I had obtained from the Buaven was quickly interrupted by excruciating pain that rose in my skin which had a scream ripping from my throat, expressing my despair.

My hands gripped the edges of the bathtub, tightly, as I waited for this to pass and even though tears were streaming down my face like a river in a storm, they all dried up in a matter of seconds due to my fire-like skin.

"Zaelah! Are you ok?"


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now