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Lauhe alkebulans are normally sent to guide a certain person whose impact on the near future is significant to others.


Zaelah's P.O.V

"It has been a hectic few weeks and I know we all haven't been able to relax since the werewolves attacked, but now that they have refocused their efforts on the Lumarine kingdom, we can rest easy knowing that we are safe." I voiced which caused murmurs to arise as people still held uncertainty in their eyes along with fear about the days to come.

"I know you all have questions about the abrupt ending of the war and I'm here to answer all of them. Please, raise your hands."

I watched as almost every hand in the crowd went up and I had to keep in a sigh since I knew it would be a long day. I pointed at a woman on my right, indicating that she could speak.

"My queen, how are you so sure de' werewolves won't come back afta they've dealt with de' other two kingdoms?" She questioned me with knitted brows and by the way she spoke and the accent she had, implied that she was from Ctaune town which was south of my palace.

I couldn't help but notice a good number of hands went down when she asked this which informed me that they wanted to raise the same question.

"I had a meeting with their king and he has assured me we'll be left alone," I answered and my heart began beating faster at the mere mention of him.

I wondered what he was doing right but I pushed that thought away as I pointed to the next person.

"How do you know we can trust their king?"

I knew better than to tell them about our connection because they'd probably react as my father did.

"From the meeting we had yesterday I can tell he's a man of his word. I know that's not much to go on, but trust me we can trust him." I assured them or at least tried since I could tell not everyone was persuaded by my vague words, but more hands went down.

I picked the next person, "Since the war is over, what are you planning to do?"

It didn't take a minute for me to answer this question.

"I'm planning to rebuild the villages and towns that were destroyed so that the farmers can start regrowing their crops and I'll compensate the individuals who have lost their family members because of this war."

My response appeared to bring relief to most of my people since I caught smiles on their lips and nearly all their hands went down.

"What's your question?" I asked, pointing to a man on my right, permitting him to speak.

"Is it true that you're in a relationship with the king?" He inquired and I froze slightly stunned because I wasn't expecting such a question, but fortunately, I wasn't given the opportunity to answer because Giana stepped beside me.

"I'm sorry to cut this short, but Queen Zaelah needs to attend an urgent meeting." She interjected and I forced a smile to appear calm before them.

"With that being said, may our Aropian ancestors bless you all and thank you for your time."

Without warning, I was being led off the stage and back into the castle while my people cheered a farewell. It took a few minutes but soon we were all standing in my office.

"How did that man know about King Malik and I's relationship?" I inquired, looking at my parents and Giana because they were the only ones who knew about our mate bond.

"I'm not sure, my queen, I swear on my life I would never let such dire information about you slip from my lips," Giana assured me while bowing her head to show her allegiance to me.

"You may go, Giana," I informed her and she heeded my gentle order while my gaze went to my father who didn't dare to meet my eyes which granted me the answer I had sought.

"It was you, wasn't it." I assumed, though my words were more of a statement than a question.

"I might have let it slip to the man when I was drinking in the kitchen." He confessed, drawing a displeased frown onto my brows as my mother sighed, annoyed.

"Wait...so what the man asked was true?" My sister questioned me, trying to clear up her confusion and our brother's.

"Yes, it is true," I confirmed while looking out the window as my subjects engaged in conversations expressing their condolences for the lives each family lost.


"Apparently their Moon Goddess, Mahrukh gives each werewolf and Lycan a soulmate and I happen to be Malik's," I explained and unconsciously allowed my thoughts to shift to him.

I fought back the feeling of sadness that was spreading in my chest faster than a disease because I reminded myself I wouldn't be able to see him for a few weeks.

"What's a Lycan?" Dante inquired.

"I'm not sure," I replied and before my siblings could ask any more questions I allowed my eyes to travel to my father and irritation joined the journey, "I cannot have this news spreading further. Fix this."

Even though it was clear as day that my father didn't appreciate my harsh tone, he offered me a nod, letting me know he'd do as demanded.

"Why would it be bad if our people knew?" Dante asked me, softly.

"They might not be so welcome to the idea, they'll probably rebel since Malik ordered the werewolves to attack them," I explained and a pout emerged on his lips, letting me know something else was on his mind.

"But he told them to stop the attacks."

"He did but the damage is done, him stopping the attacks might have saved lives, but it will not bring back the ones taken." I clarified and it seemed like he was finally grasping the situation.

"You understand that, yet still you continue to defend him." My father commented and I took my eyes off my little brother before refocusing them on him.

"I've already told you, Kai, I cannot control what I feel about him." I voiced and I could tell that calling him by his name brought him nothing but shock, though I didn't care as he no longer deserved the title father because of the way he behaved towards me.

"You would rather put his life over the human race? Do you not see the damage he's causing?" He asked and I could tell my mother was ready to speak, but I decided to interject.

"You know I do. I see it very clearly, but I also know there are 3 sides to every story. Your side, his side and the truth." I began. "The werewolves are the villains in every story you heard and for him, the humans are the villains. We all have different versions of the truth."

"I was there Zaelah. I saw everything with my own eyes." He stated, bringing me great confusion and surprise.


"He killed your grandfather. He broke the peace treaty they had then had the nerve to offer me the same agreement."


Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now