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Lauhe Alkebulans are very rare.

They have the special ability to see the future clearly, unlike the rest of the Alkebulans who are only able to see bits and pieces.



I shifted my gaze towards the window to see the werewolves retreating one by one, but my warriors were still attacking with brute force which yanked a frown onto my brows as I faced the woman who had announced King Malik's arrival.

"Inform General Giana that the warriors should stand down. Now." I ordered her and the woman gave me a nod before rushing down the stone halls of the palace with the adrenaline the fear brought her.

"Are you ready?" My father asked me while I sucked in a quick breath before releasing it with a nod.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

My mother took a step toward me, slipping her hands in mine to comfort my building anxiety.

"You don't have anything to worry about, sweetheart. Your father and I know you'll succeed." She assured me and I wanted to believe her words, but how could when I felt the same doubt in her beating heart as I did in mine?

"Thank you," I replied with a smile as fake as her words.

She pulled me into a hug but it was brief because she broke it to carry herself toward the window behind us which told me something had caught her attention, so I moved beside her and followed her surprised gaze which I instantly matched as my orbs greeted the image of a giant wolf whose fur was jet black.

No one had to tell me who this was because the power that surrounded his very being announced his identity rather loudly.

I tried to see his face that was hidden by the darkness of the night but I only caught the sight of his eyes which were a light violet that emitted the glow of the stars whenever they greeted the night sky.

I found myself unable to look away because of the magnetism those violet orbs held, but with much strength, I refocused my attention on his body to see he was standing on his feet as he headed toward the castle as if he owned it and everyone inside it.

My warriors quickly retreated fearing for their lives as his aura was heavy and it spoke the sinister stories about the lives he took from each kingdom without remorse and from where I stood even I could feel its weight.

I watched as the gates of the palace opened for him, but he had to bend his head a bit to enter and when he did, his eyes took everything in, though it seemed like he was searching for something so I was surprised when his orbs met mine.

I sucked in a breath at the intensity of his simple gaze as his orbs traced my entire face from where he stood as if I was right in front of him and like before I found myself unable to look away because I felt something tugging on the strings of my heart.

"Zaelah, let's go. We can't stay up here forever." My father announced, pulling me out of my trance as I turned away from the wolf, allowing us to leave my office.

"If we make it out of here alive, remind me to ask the builders to invent something less tiring and time consuming as stairs," I expressed, hoping to lighten up the dim mood as we walked down the stairs and my parents smiled which told me it worked.

"You speak as if I would allow you to modify Aropia's oldest building." My mother replied while we moved down the final steps that led to the large mahogany front doors.

Alpha Zaelah |  Book One: Realities DemiseWhere stories live. Discover now