raunchy races

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the islanders were woken up by the lights turning on in the bedrooms. tiredly, they all sat up in the beds, some even doing small stretches to wake themselves up. everyone said their 'good mornings' and had a small conversation with each other and eventually the girls went up to the dressing rooms to get ready.

amelia had settled on a light brown bikini set, which she paired it with a light brown bikini skirt

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amelia had settled on a light brown bikini set, which she paired it with a light brown bikini skirt. she straightened her hair and applied minimal makeup. she finished applying her sunscreen and started making her way out the dressing room, to join the girls down at the fire-pit.

just as she was about to exit the bedrooms, she bumped into someone.

"just the person i was looking for," leo said, holding out a cup, "made this tea for you. careful, it's hot."

her heart swooned over the small gesture that the boy made. she wasn't expecting a gesture like this so early on and the fact that he not only went out of his way to make her a tea but remembered, she swooned even more.

"aw thank you," amelia responded, taking the cup from his hands carefully, "you didn't have to."

"i know," he shrugged, leaning against the door that led to the bedrooms, "but i wanted to. you look amazing by the way."

"you don't look too bad yourself," amelia grinned, taking this chance to check him out.

he only had some loose shorts with shoes on and no shirt. she took a better look at his chest, not only seeing the slight abs that he had but also yet another tattoo that he had on his chest.

"i'll pull you for a chat later?"

"sounds good."

leo quickly wrapped her arms around the girls shoulder, pulling her in for a quick hug, to which the girl reciprocated. he watched as the girl let go and started making her way down the stairs to join the girls. he chuckled to himself and shook his head, and went back to join the boys once again.
the day consisted of everyone getting to know each other. amelia was sitting next to jack by the lounge chairs, having a conversation with him, when they heard a noise.

"oh, i've got a text!" paige announced, "islanders, this afternoon both villas will go head-to-head in raunchy race. the two villas will race against each other to complete a series of saucy challenges. the first villa to complete each challenge wins a point. the villa that receives the most points will win a party tonight. #headtohead #looselipsing"

all the islanders cheered and celebrated with one another and then headed towards the firepit, awaiting for the first text, which indiyah got.

"all islanders get into a different sex positions with someone of the opposite sex."

they all quickly got up and got into different sex positions with whoever was the closest to them.

"casa amor were the fastest." leo announced, causing the islanders to let out a massive cheer.

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