movie night chaos

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the following morning was no different than their usual mornings- wake up, get ready and chill for the day until either a text arrives or until night time. little did the islanders know that tonight was going to be a little bit more different compared to any other night. well, they did eventually know as soon a gemma got a text.

"i've got a text!" gemma announced as she opened the text to see it fully and stood up, "islanders, it's time to get glam and hit the red carpet as you attend mad movies the premiere #spillthepopcorn."


amelia: "shits about to hit the fan just when everything started settling down! gonna have to brace myself for tonight and the following days."


most couples were stressing, anxiety filling within them as they heard the text being read out loud. those who have messed up badly during the casa amor and played it down a notch or two, were about to be fully exposed and see if they were telling the truth.

as for gemma, amelia and leo, the trio was nervous but also excited for it. it was somewhat safe to say that they were some of the only ones that might not have anything showcased but even if they didn't, they were still a bit nervous for the night.

amelia opted for a simple look for tonight, grabbing a pair of beige office type pants which she paired with a black long sleeve t-shirt, that was tucked in and some tan heels

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amelia opted for a simple look for tonight, grabbing a pair of beige office type pants which she paired with a black long sleeve t-shirt, that was tucked in and some tan heels. she put her hair in a slick ponytail and went with a classic, natural make up look. she applied her lipstick on and smothered her lips together, using her index finger to then properly smooth the lipstick out.

she took pictures with some of the girls until they finally decided they were done and headed downstairs and walked down the so called, red carpet that lead them to their table and seats, located across the grass area, far from the boys.

both parties got a message at the same time. summer got closer to the girls and read the message out to them.

"which is currently the largest male penis on record in inches?"

"oh i know this one."

"i'd say 13, just go with 13."

the girls sent their answer and waited for the next message to see which party won the first game, which ended up being the boys. they looked at screen, which read the titles of scene based of some of the islanders.

"let's go with 'i know what ekin-su did last summer'" deji chose for the guys.

they all sat back and ate some of the popcorn as they waited for the scene to play. amelia felt ekin-su grab her hand and she looked at the girl really quick, who was already preparing to defend herself.

"everything will be fine." amelia said, as she grabbed her hand back.

the islanders watched as separate scenes of ekin-su during casa amor appeared. while some of the girls were a bit shocked by what they were seeing, the boys, especially davide were already riled up.

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