tension in the villa

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"what's your favorite holiday?" leo asked amelia, as the two stepped away from everyone and headed to the day bed to have some time together.

"christmas," amelia answered immediately, as she laid down next to leo, and cuddled up against him, "i'm always at my happiest when it's christmas time."

"do you believe in aliens?"

"nope. i do believe in ghosts though."

"you believe in ghosts but not in aliens?"

"have you not seen those crazy ghost sighting videos online?" she looked up at him briefly, before looking back at the sky, "the only way for me to actually believe in aliens is for one of them to come and knock on my door."

leo looked down at her and let out a small laugh, "okay, places you'd like to visit?"

"switzerland for sure, iceland, norway, finland, greece, romania, and many more places but those are the ones i mostly want to go to."

"switzerland is really cool."

"you've been there before?"

"twice actually. once with my family and the second time, with my team."

"you're so lucky. it seems like absolute dream."

"when we get out of here, we'll make plans to go to switzerland," he pulled her closer to him, as he wrapped his arms around her waist, "do you want any more kids?"

she looked down at her hands, "i've always wanted around 4 kids, 3 or 4 would be fine. definitely want timothy to be able to have some siblings as well. do you want any kids?"

"always wanted a big family, maybe 5 or 6 kids."

"looks like we are going to have to compromise huh?"

"seems like we are," he looked down at her, a small smile starting to appear on his face, "ideal first date?"

"call me lame but a picnic by the beach and watching the sunset together," she breathed in and let out a sigh, "sunsets are one of the most beautiful things and watching it set while at the beach is absolutely the best thing ever."

"i've never been to the beach before."

"you're joking," she said, looking up at him, as he shrugged towards her, "you've never been to the beach before?"

"nope. it never occurred for my family and i to ever go."

"oh but you have to go!" she gasped, "it's absolutely amazing. once we are out of here, we are going to the beach. i can't believe you have never been to the beach."

"believe it, baby," he smiled, as he pressed his lips against the side of her head, "you know-"

"keep faking it, yeah?"

almost immediately, every conversation in the villa stopped as they heard jacques and paige make their way out of the villa and towards the outside.

"i wanted what we had. i wanted the last few nights..."

"do you not think i wanted what we had?


"i would've coupled up with a girl if i didn't"

"stop raising your voice at me because i don't deserve it. lower it now."

everyones attention was at the location where jacques and paige stood, arguing about what had just happened moments ago. they sent each other 'what the hell is going on' and 'it's going to be quite the night' looks at each other as they continued to hear the two talking. paige said her peace and walked away from jacques, leaving him leaning against the wall, thoughts swarming his mind.

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