three dates and trust

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it was the islanders first night without jacques and although they were are still feeling a little bit sadden, they all pushed it aside and continued to have a good time and enjoy the night.

leo and amelia were sat next to each other as they were enjoying the conversation they were having with luca and gemma when they all heard an all-too familiar sound coming from across the villa.

"i've got a text!" adam shouted, standing up to make himself for visible and began to read the message he was sent, "adam, tonight you will date three girls on the hideaway terrace. please now say which girls you would like to date and the order you'd like to date them in #spoiltforchoice #makemineatriple"

the islanders all looked around to one another and waited to hear who adam was going to choose to take on the dates.

"right, im gonna pick summer, amelia and paige."

as soon as leo heard amelia's name coming out from adams mouth, he let out a groan and instinctively pulled amelia closer to him, making the 3 islanders around him let out a laugh.

they all watched as adam pulled summer away and head towards the hideaway terrace, beginning the first of three dates.

"are you excited amelia?" luca asked, pulling amelia's attention back to the group, "surely leo's stressing the hell out, ain't you man?"

amelia laughed as she leaned closer to leo, placing a kiss on his cheek, "i mean, it's cool i guess but i would of wished to go on a date with this guy instead."

leo smiled as he wrapped one of his arms around her shoulders, placing a kiss on one of her cheeks as well. the group resumed the conversation they were having before being interrupted by paige, who was calling for amelia. amelia separated from the group as she made her way towards andrew, dami and paige.

the group was more-so giving advice to paige on how she should go about the date now that jacques is gone. paige was very excited yet nervous as this one kind of the first guy that was gonna get to truly know on a romantic level other than jacques.

"amelia, it's hideaway time for you!" a voice said, as it made their presence known in front of the group.

she stood up from the group and bid her goodbyes, as she headed towards leo first, who was now stood up, waiting for her.

she immediately wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a quick peck.

"what kind of kiss was that?" leo jokingly rolled his eyes , as he too, gave her yet another quick peck, "now go have fun but not too much fun!"

she chuckled as she gave him one last peck and began to make her way towards the hideaway terrace to begin her date with adam.

adam was patiently waiting for amelia to arrive for their date and wasted no time in standing up to greet her as soon as she appeared on the terrace.

"you look good," adam said, placing a small kiss on her cheek, "here let me get the chair for you."

"thank you," amelia appreciated the small gesture and sat down, "you don't look too bad yourself."

"thank you, thank you," he nodded, sending her a smile, "let's do a quick cheers then?"

"alright," amelia held up the glasses that contained champagne, "what are we cheering for?"

"here's to an amazing night with wonderful company"

the two clinked their cups together and took a sip of their champagne.

"right so," adam began, "where's your head at?"

"straight to it huh?" amelia let a small laugh, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, "well as you know, i'm very happy with leo and my eyes are truly only for him. don't get me wrong, you're a great guy adam but i just don't have that connection. the only connection i feel is a friendship one and that's about it."

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