difficult choices

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the next day, the islanders were once again greeted by the lights turning on.

amelia struggled to keep her eyes opened so she pulled the covers over her, in hopes to continue her sleep but that didn't happen as the covers were ripped from over her. she took a few moments to herself and finally threw the cover off her and did a small stretch in the bed.

"good morning, sleepy head," leo stated, as he glanced over at the girl who was just waking up, "do you want a tea or something?"

"yes please, if you don't mind." she yawned, as she laid back down, and wrapped her arms around his torso.

"you know, that requires me to get up from the bed and go to the kitchen to make it you know?"

"i want a cuddle."

he chuckled, as he messed with her hair a bit, "we'll cuddle after i make you your tea if you want."


"i promise."

amelia hesitantly let go and watched as leo stood up, and made his way out to the kitchen with the rest of the boys. the girls were gathered around ekin-su's and indiyah's bed so she headed over to be closer to them. she joined ekin-su and tasha, immediately laying down and cuddling up against ekin-su.

"this makes me feel like such a mum, i love it."

the girls chuckled at ekin-su's statement as they watched tasha and amelia all cuddled up against her. they all began to catch up with each other, seeing how they were this morning and what their plan of actions were going to be for the day.

the door began to open to the bedrooms, revealing andrew and leo walking towards the girls.

"ekin-su, you're stealing my girl." leo lightly chuckled as he leaned down a bit to hand amelia her tea.

"i'm mrs. steal your girl. watch out now."

amelia laughed, as she accepted the tea from him, "thank you. i appreciate you so much."

"of course, anything for you."

he leaned down once more, placing his lips onto hers. the two separated as leo walked away and went back outside. andrew made a bee-line for tasha, handing her a cup as well.

"sorry to interrupt. whenever you're ready, no pressure, but we can have a little chat if you want. thanks."

the girls shared looks with each other over the unexpected gesture from andrew towards tasha. tasha held it in her hands for a few moments until andrew left, later placing it besides her.

"i'm not having it."

"what is he doing?"

jacques later then came into the bedrooms and handed paige a mocha as well. the girls then, decided it was time to get up and start getting ready for the day.


amelia was the last one in the dressing room. she was finishing up curling her hair and was on the last strand when tasha came up to her.

"i need you to do me a favor." tasha sat down next to her, her leg bouncing up and down, signaling she was nervous for whatever she was going to ask for.

"what happened?" amelia looked over to her, finishing up her last curl, "you okay?"

"i'm alright, i just need you to give this back to andrew for me. i would give it back to him myself but i don't really want to be around him at the moment."

amelia looked down to the now opened hand of tasha, revealing andrew's ring that he had placed in her suitcase when they had went to casa amor.

"are you sure?"

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