relationships + surprise dumpings

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after the events of last night, amelia woke up extremely exhausted and groaned as she felt the bright lights turn on.

"babe, it's time to get up."

"no, leave me alone. i'm tired and i want to continue my sleep."

"lia, come on. it's time to wake up."





"okay fine, you win," leo shook his head as he swung his legs over and off the bed, "i'll let you sleep in for a little bit more."

"thank you, this is why i l-" amelia was quick to stop herself as soon as she realised what she was about to blurt out.

"what were you saying babe?" leo walked over to her side, bending down to come face to face with her.

"just saying that i appreciate you for letting me sleep in more."

"you already know i'll do anything for you." he smiled as he placed a small kiss on her head, "i'll be back. continue your sleep."

she smiled at him as she turned around and watched him leave the bedrooms. she then pulled the covers over her head, and continued her sleep.

just as she was about to fall into a deep slumber, she was awoken once more by leo, who had brought her some breakfast and a tea.

"i've brought you breakfast," leo placed the plate on the nightstand, "i almost didn't wake you up. you looked so comfortable and so cute."

"i was close to drifting off into a deep sleep," she yawned as she sat up and leaned against the bed frame, "thank you so much. this is so sweet. a little breakfast in bed. where's your breakfast?"

"i already ate."

"did i really sleep that long?"

"only for like 30 extra minutes, i ate while cooking for you."

"i'll cook for you tomorrow morning."

"avocado toast and some eggs would suffice."

"noted," she grinned as she took a bite out of her egg sandwich, "this is so good."

"glad you like it," he sent her a wink before standing up, "i'll let you eat your breakfast. i think the girls are still upstairs doing their morning debrief or getting ready."

"thank you babe, i appreciate you very much."

"i appreciate you," he quickly stole a kiss from her and began walking away, "i'll see you in a bit."

"see you in a bit!"
the day went on as usual. all the islanders were scattered around the villa, either with their couples or in small little groups with their couples. after last nights recoupling and dance party, the villa was in a good mood, with happy and positive vibes all around.

"i've got a text!" dami announced as he stood up, "islanders, finding love is thirsty work so it's time for a trip to the lips inn for todays boys vs girls challenge, wish you were beer #happyhour #wetandwild"

the islanders cheered , extremely excited for a challenge as they haven't had one in quite a while. the boys and girls went their own ways to quickly get ready for the challenge, and went outside towards the challenge area as soon as they were all ready.
the boys ended up winning the challenge, which consisted of mainly trying to fill up a beer glass. they both tied the first round but the boys pulled through in the second and final round, hence , giving them the win.

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