Chapter 6

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~Carlisle's POV~

     I heard my name from down the beach and saw two figures in black cloaks. I also smelt human blood as the wind blew my way; it was too familiar.

"Carlisle, is that Bella?" I snapped my eyes towards hers and she was giving me a concerned look. The scent of the blood had to have been her.

"Yes." I quickly ran towards her and saw the other girl trying to elevate her leg because of the wound.

"Keep pressure on that. Elevating won't do anything." She nodded and tied a piece of cloth around it as a tourniquet. I picked her up and turned to Esme showing with my eyes that I was sorry. She just gave me a smile and looked down to Bella in concern.

"Let's head back to the house." She went over to the other girl but she assured us she would keep up. It wasn't a long treck back but I didn't have any medical supplies with me to take care of her. We arrived back at the house and I laid Bella in one of the spare rooms for now. I went to touch her leg when the other woman came in.

"Let her wake up. You shouldn't jostle her too much after what she did." She sat next to Bella and moved a piece of her hair out of her face.

"What happened?" I asked her as she stroked Bella's cheek lightly.

"It's better if she told you. I'll let you know when she's awake." She looked up at me and I noticed her eyes were blue. She wasn't a supernatural creature so how did she get here?

"How about a name? Mine is Carlisle Cullen and that was my wife Esme." She smiled at me and glanced over at Esme.

"Sarah. Thank you." I gave her a quizzical look.

"What for?"

"For everything." I nodded and ushered Esme out of the room until Bella woke up. We walked to the master bedroom and stood in one of the doorways outlooking the beach.

"This can't be a coincidence. We saw her in Volterra and now she's here?" Esme rubbed my back for comfort as I spoke.

"Maybe but she might've been looking for us. You remember what happened 5 years ago when Fera got free." I nodded in agreement.


I was playing chess with Esme when Bella came downstairs with Fera tailing her; pleading with her to listen.

"Bella, he shouldn't be able to read your mind at all! I opened up your ability for you to use!"

"I am not leaving because you are scared. I have a family here so if you want to leave then by all means there's the door!" I stood with my family facing them as Bella had a storm swirling in her eyes as a fire burned in Feras. Edward shared a look with me and I shook my head no.

We can't interfere.

He didn't like the idea but if we were to come in between two witches it would not end well. One raised a hand and the other mirrored her. Oh no. I pulled Esme out the door as a blast sent everyone else out but it had heat.

"No." I stretched my hearing and only heard a few groans. I zoomed around and pulled everyone back far enough away from the flames. We watched the house fall from the combustion and Esme wasn't taking it too well. This was the very first house she designed to fit everyone's needs and now it was just in crumbles. I walked over to her and maneuvered her away from it but we could all hear it falling even more every now and then.

"We'll rebuild it. We will make it even better than before, okay?" She just nodded and tried looking elsewhere.

~2 Years Later~

It took us a while but the house has finally been rebuilt. We had to move it a little over because nothing could be built over the embers that stayed where Fera and Bella stood. We've also been trying to find them but no one has seen them. Breaking the news to Charlie was very stressful and he didn't cope well for a little bit. Alice stayed around and helped keep him from acting out. We eventually had to tell him our secret but he wasn't very surprised. He was actually a very old Warlock who took on many human forms so as to not arouse suspicion. Bella actually was his daughter biologically so that was where the magic came from. He did come over to look at the scorches and he hadn't seen anything like them in about 300 years.

"When did you see those scorches last?" Charlie was nursing a steaming mug of coffee and hummed as he tried to remember.

"I saw them in Greece around 1000 A.D." I gaped at the year putting two and two together.

"So, you're at least 1000 years old, fascinating." He chuckled at my enthusiasm. I know the Volturi are old but he seemed to see it all.

"Those Volturi are a pain in the ass. I never get involved with them if I can help it. I just hope Bella hasn't either." He sipped his coffee and I just nodded. I didn't think he could read minds but it isn't much different than Edward.

"Edward can read minds too?" I just nodded as he took another sip of coffee.

"Do you know where Bella went? She disappeared after blowing up the house. We're concerned for her because of what was happening with another witch she's been involved with." Charlie cocked his head to the side and I thought I heard a slight growl.

"Unless you're kids are going to play nice tell them to go home." A knock sounded and then the door opened to reveal Alice.

"May we come in then? My clothes are getting all wet." Charlie smiled and motioned them inside. With a flick of his wrist and all their clothes were dry again.

"Thank you." Rosalie was the one to respond first. I smiled at her and she just looked elsewhere.

"I know the witch that you are referring to and I wished that she would've stayed dead. Fera is a very dark witch but she's also Bella's true mother."


I heard Bella's heart speed up and knew she was waking up. I walked into her room as she started to sit up. I smiled at her and she returned it with glee.

"Carlisle. Thank god we found you." She started to stand up but I pushed her back down.

"Maybe take it easy for today. What happened to you?" She sighed and got comfortable as she motioned for me to take a seat.

"Short answer is I don't know. I don't know what happened after I walked out of that room Fera was in with her tailing me. Everything is a blank until 2 years ago when Charlie found me behind your house. I saw the scorch marks there and got scared so I sent the police back into the woods for their search. Alice left a note though; she helped nudge me in the right direction." I had noticed her black fingertips and made a mental note to ask about them later.

"We haven't found anything on Fera ourselves. We had kind of given up on finding you or her for that matter. You being gone for so long had us doubting if you'd ever return." I moved my hand to cover hers and she covered mine.

"What happened to your fingertips?" She pulled her hands away and folded them into her lap.

"It's temporary. Where is everyone else?" She kept her hands out of sight and I sighed at her question but also her actions.

"They are all traveling. We came here for a vacation and to get away from the world. Edward is probably in South America, Alice and Jasper went to visit friends in Texas and then to Paris, and Emmett and Rosalie are in Russia right now. Something about the bear population becoming too much." I chuckled at that and so did Bella.

"If it isn't too much to ask may I request a ride to South America?" She motioned to her leg and I agreed that she shouldn't do anything magical.

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