Chapter 4

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Lilly's POV

After the bell rang I quickly grabbed my stuff and head out the door. I was also listening to music to as I was leaving the classroom. The song that I'm listening to is best friend by Conan Gray. It's such a good song. The rest of the classes were so BORING why you may ask well it's school and it's always boring.

We made it to the cafeteria for lunch. I usually get a cheese pizza cause why not it's like my favorite food of all time. Like no other food can replace pizza okay cool. I usually just sit alone because duh I don't talk to anyone after what happened. That was definitely the main reason why I stopped talking in the first place. I continued to listen to my music and then I got a notification from my phone. My aunt texted me saying "after school our new neighbors are coming over for dinner." Which was strange because we never invited people over ever since I stopped talking. I just ignore the text and ate my lunch.

School is finally over yay I was so happy to go home. Oh wait my new neighbors are coming over at my aunt and uncles house for dinner. Shit that means I have to try to socialize. Ugh sometimes I just wish that I was able to talk and not be awkward. I wish that people will understand what I'm going through but no one really doesn't. Not even my aunt and uncle don't really understand how hurt I feel after what happened to my family. The only person that really understands me at this point is Laura.

When I got home I opened the door and see my aunt and uncle watching TV together. They looked so cute together it reminds me of my parents. "Oh hey sweetie how was your day?" My aunt asked. I just give her a thumbs up to tell her that it was good. I quickly went upstairs to my room to put my stuff away and just hang out in there for a while until the new neighbors get here. About an hour later I heard the door knocked. I got up and open the door it was my uncle that was at the door.

"Hey Lilly there's the new neighbors that I want you to meet. Don't worry there really nice people that you're gonna like." He said. I nodded and grabbed my notebook and a pen and head downstairs. When I went downstairs I noticed that there was a mother a girl and a boy that looks around my age. I also noticed that the boy looked so familiar. Like I've seen him before. The mother looked at me and said. "Oh hi you must be Lilly well I'm Ms. Peterson but you can call me Susan if you want and these are my kids. This is Annabelle who's 21 and Kyle who's 17 and yeah we're your new neighbors."

WHAT they didn't tell me that Kyle is my new neighbor wtf universe. He's in my English class and annoyed me at the assignment that I worked on. But I know that I can't give them a bad impression of me so I shook there hands and mouth 'it's nice to meet you too.' They all looked so confused at me. My aunt noticed and said. "Oh Lilly is mute so that's why that she mouthed saying it's nice to meet you too." They all come in and hang out in the living room and kitchen. The grownups cook dinner while the teenagers were hanging out in the living room watching TV.

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