Su Familia

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"Damn that was rough!" Killer stretched back, grunting in discomfort. Blood stained the nice fabrics of his jacket and shirt. "You alright Y\N?"

You nodded, dusting dirt and grit off of your clothes. Frowning slightly at the state of the shoes you had just bought last week.

Killer looked down too, hissing in sympathy. "That sucks balls but maybe we can clean them up back at the castle, yeah?"

You just huffed in annoyance following moodily behind the skeleton. 'Cross had picked them out for you as well. And Nightmare put custom embroidery on the sides. What were you to tell them when the two of you got back.

"This sucks"

"Well the shoes we're gonna get dirty eventually, better now than then ig." The skeleton gave you a goofy grin. it was obviously meant to cheer you up but one look at the dirt, dust, blood and debris smeared disgustingly on the surface of the fabric. You couldn't help but sigh.

Also how is he able to speak in abbreviates??

Killer moved a few steps forward, meticulously spinning his knife. There was a slight pause before he forcefully sliced through the air, watching as the city in front of them split apart like paper. In its place was a glitchy ocean blue portal tear.

Though it was cool to witness others creating them; Looking at the portal made you feel nauseous.

Your skeleton companion shifted to the side of the portal bowing in mock respect.

"After you your highness."

This urned killer an abrupt shove into the dimensional tear. His yelp of surprise echoing comically as he passed through.

Taking a step forward, you could feel your stomach churning in protest but you swallowed it down, charging straight after Killer.


"we're home!" Killer started untieing his trainers. You moved to do the same, before pausing. Cross and Nightmare can't see them like this!

Harsh thudding could be heard. It seemed to encircle the whole upstairs, then speedily started heading towards and down the staircase.

Panicked, your hands fumbled messily with the laces. And you clumsily took off and threw your shoes behind the plant near the shoe cupboard.

Just in time as well. Because barrelling into your stomach was none other than Moonlight. They smiled up at you cutely, climbing up your torso and clinging there like a koala.

You laughed hugging him back.

"I missed you too midnight."

"Midnight?!" He giggled still clinging onto your waist, the child didn't seem to be letting go anytime soon. "My name is moonlight!"

"Oh! My apologies nightlight I'll remember that for next time."

"No moonlight!"


"(Yyyy/nnnn)" moonlight rolled his eyes, pouting as you giggled away.

Something caught your eye on the staircase, making you look up curiously. Another skeleton-child peered down at you past the oak banister and you gasped in exaggerated excitement.

"Is that Noah!!" At the call of his name the boy ran down the remaining stairs. He gave you a jump hug, wrapping his arms around your neck for leverage. Almost toppling you over in the process, as your body now struggled to hold both his and moonlights weight.  From a passers point of view, they would be highly confused on as to why you had a 12 year old sitting on your waist like a baby, and a 9 year old as a necklace.

"How was the mission (Y/N)? Did you see anything cool? Did you get hurt?..." thinking carefully of a child friendly reply, you moved Noah to your other hip. Staggering to the living room as you replied back.

"Hurt! Me? Never! Look I'm all in one piece, though I don't think I can say the same for my shoes." You made a discontented face as you mumbled out the last part. How were you going to clean them?

"But yeah, we went scouting in some of the further universes like outertale and undervoid. Saw some cool things out there,"

'and killed a bunch of stuff...' you thought.

Noah nodded his head. "Did you see uncle ombra?"

"He owes me a new bike, he broke my last one.." Moonlight adjusted himself more securely, laying his head on your shoulder.

"Sure did! He says hi. And uh I don't think he's gonna replace that bike anytime soon Moonlight..."

The living room bathed the three of you in homely cream coloured lighting. Six sofas surrounding a Tv and another three sat near the window lounger and book shelf, accompanied by a glass coffee table. You made a move towards the Tv.

Your legs were screaming to be sat down and you gladly complied, flopping ungraciously onto the cushions. You made sure to squash both deadweight skeletons in the process, ignoring their screams of aggravated protest.

"Ughhh get off me your fat bum is crushing me!"

Noah muffled a reply of agreement.

"Oh so we're body shaming now moonlight?I see how it is. I hope my humongous bum suffocates both of you." Screams were your only reply as you comfortably rested your whole weight on top of them. Unfazed by their flailing limbs.


Walking into the kitchen, you waved slightly at the murder trio, giving killer a sceptical look.

"How did you get here so fast?"

"Well it helped not having two grown ass kids strapped onto me like babies."

"Eh fair enough," you moved a bit away from the kitchen island, reaching up into one of the cupboards to grab a packet of biscuits. "Also do any of you know where Cross is?"

Dust looked up from his console. Pointing up to the ceiling.

"Check the roof."

"The... roof?" The skeleton only nodded.

"They're doing some weird human love celebration. " He made a disgusted face, body seeming to cringe at the thought.

You shrugged confused as to what he was going on about, picking up your favourite Biscuits and shoving some into your mouth.

You headed out of the kitchen to the main staircase.

'Wonder what sort of celebration they're doing on the roof? If dust said it was romantic then I should prepare myself mentally'



And then life came hurtling at me.

so Yea this is my unfinished draft, probably won't finish it. It is very random and has no context. it was a nice taster on reader insert type writing. (a lot of people have mixed opinions on these types of books, so take this as you want ;^^) i hinted at one of my own sans oc's he doesn't have any relations with nightmare and people whatsoever in his (incomplete) lore, he's just there for fun lol. also thanks tundra for the info on the children lol cause i really didn't know how to write the two i introduced so far. 

anywhooo see you next month or whenever.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2023 ⏰

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