Great heights

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Writing prompt -2

He could barely here Dreams voice above the roaring of the wind in his nonexistent ears, having to squint just to see the steady approach of his figure. Their clothes flew haphazardly in every direction, finding no control against the currents at the top of ebott tower.

'Come fly away with me dove! We could build a life away from this! From the blood shed, the violence! The pain!'

Dream grew nearer, skull a couple centimetres from Cross'. A golden cluster of feathers encircled the two, shielding them from the violent gusts around them. Cross stared at the opalescent lustre of the amber irises boring into his own mismatched ones. Wondering who this skeleton was anymore. If he ever truly knew him.

'No one would ever hurt you.' Delicate hands ghosted across the soldiers cheek bones. The heat radiating from the princes skeletal hands, and the feel of his breaths brushing his face caused cross to involuntarily blush, gripping softly to the ends of his sleeves.

'Dream.' He had quietly called, seeming to grow closer to the other. something about his eyes just seemed so...desirable, tempting.

A *SLAM*broke the gentle tension causing the soft traces of gold in the monochromes eye lights to vanish, leaving behind an undesirable headache. Dream looked away from the smaller, glaring threateningly at the figure near the roof entry. Seeming to fume at the glimpse of black tendrils waving chaotically through the air.

Moving away from Cross the winged guardian growled threateningly, splaying the magnificent scene of his wings wide open. Shadows cast across his form.

And wow, did Nightmare feel small. He had hoped that he got there in time. That dream hadn't touched the monochrome, that he was safe and not curling himself in a ball clawing desperately at his skull. shifting into his worst sins. Yes, that was his power. One touch of dreams fingers and you become a culmination of the wrong deeds buried inside you. It really helped when judging people, and isn't so bad if it's little things like a few lies, slightly tainted mindsets and a couple series of cheating. But with the actions that Cross had committed... all the people he had killed, the universes he had devastated, families he had torn. Nightmare wouldn't want to think about the scenario. It made him sick.

'Ah, I was wondering when you would show, though you are earlier than I would have liked.' A threatening smile graced his skull, eyes a deep burning near-orange gold. Being so close to taking the boy behind him, dream couldn't help but feel a sense of agitation.

Nightmare rolled his eyes, melting swiftly to the ground, he made a strait path towards cross, though dreams foot had stamped harshly at him. Splitting into two directions, deciding to go around both ways, though the winged guardian had predicted this, and once again he had divided.

This had gone on for what seemed to be hours. Nightmare had now been divided enough times to attack from all sides but again he was blocked, a ring of feathers pierced through the concrete of the building, encircling the guardian and his hostage.

Growling to himself, the king shot up. No more was he going to play around. Unpredicted to dream, nightmare had outwardly grabbed cross from the shimmering feathers, swiftly flinging him over the edge of the building. The monochrome in reply shrieked in complete terror, pretty convinced that the goopy skeleton had lost it.

Landing gracefully near the edge, Nightmare had saluted his brother, taking the option of falling after Cross than teleporting. And DAMN did he feel cool, hearing the whistle of the wind as he grew closer to the screaming monochrome. Wrapping his arms around the soldier.

The two were like a bullet in flight, descending rapidly to the ground below.

Cross braced for the feel of concrete against his skull, feel the shattering of bones. Though when the world had seemed to disappear and an eternal shadow had cast over his form, he couldn't help but peek up in confusion.
A smirking nightmare looked down at him, cyan eye giving a soft glow. They seemed to be encased in an inky bubble, trapped in time.

Their was a feel of impact and the darkness had retreated. The monochromatic soldier laid there,relishing the feel of the cool concrete against his bones. He closed his eyes, feeling the ever worsening pound of the ache in his skull.

Did he just fall from a building?

He did... didn't he.

Is he alive?

Probably so.

Could Nightmare be relishing in the feeling of his insides twisted together in an agonising knot?



Physical contact was far beyond what Cross wanted right now. but as he stared into the eternal depths of his (somehow real) eyelids, the irritating poke of another's finger repeatedly stabbed not so gently against his cheekbones. A visible irk mark could be seen as the boy swatted half-assed  at the person. Mumbling a barely legible 'f@ck off'.

The attacker had ignored him of course, amusement radiating off of them like steam.

This was obviously too fun to give up.

Two jabs later and his eyes were open, blade pointed threateningly at his victim.

Nightmare smiled lazily down at him, eyes daring the soldier to move the knife any closer.

"That's not how you greet someone who just saved your life." Cross lowered his weapon. Fudging Nightmare.

He kissed his teeth at the superior. "You pushed me off a building."

The king had smiled more, amusement highly evident. Cross grit his teeth as a pat graced his head. He wished he got taken by dream. 


Ahaha I'm done. I finished I'm so sorry 😭 I didn't want to take this long and just today I had a little spark inspire me on how to end this. (Thank you creative writing) and the one sentenced chapters are highly unsatisfying I apologise. Let's cheer for the next oneshot.

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