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Android!monster!Nightmare X traumatised?Cross

Part 2


The sun had just begun to set across the city plains.

Cross could feel as the orange glow of the sun streaked warmly across his skull, the way the breeze caught his shirt. The cool metal of the balcony rails clicking under his shifting phalanges. And a strong lingering taste of clementine stained the air.

Turning around the boy saw the android pouring two cups of a bourbon liquid. It bounced smoothly against the side of the china, settling humbly to a calm still.

Nightmare liked clementine tea. It was a fact that Cross found oddly amusing about the android.

That something so artificial could be programmed enough to have its own likes and interests.

He sat down opposite the mechanical man. Tracing the pattern of leaping rabbits on the rim of his glass.

They were cute.

"From a scale of 1-5, how are you feeling today Cross?" Nightmare, like him, gripped his decorated cup with care. Stroking the imprinted pictures of running foxes.

" I guess a 4." Nightmare hummed in interest. There was a brighter shimmer in the androids eyes. He was memorising his answer in the system database.

Cross stared uncomfortably at his tea, still not used to his every word and action being monitored.

He wasn't a science experiment.

The skeleton harshly glared down at his drink, watching as the liquid inside seemed to violently vibrate, sloshing dangerously at the rim of the cup.

As well as being monitored. For the three weeks he's been in the hospital facility, Cross realised that something... wasn't right. There was an anomaly in him, a power that shouldn't have been there. The skeleton had never felt this power before, only a few days after he came to this place. A facility for the mentally unstable. Did he really understand what he was capable of.

"I see... That is a much better improvement than yesterdays score, it seems that the virtual mindfulness sessions have improved your anxiety, stress and blood pressure levels. As well as your sleeping patterns and attentiveness to normal conversation. I am proud." Nightmare gave Cross a pretentious grin, there was insincerity in his glass eyes. Something faker than what he already was.

The skeleton gave the android a coy grin. He scratched the side of his skull, leaning slightly to the left. "Thanks I guess, to be honest, I think it's more to do with your wind-down sessions. You always seem to pick the right times to show the beauty of the day, and something about the tea just relaxes me," He then chuckled. "Not gonna lie, I think I'm a bit addicted to it."

"I am glad that my efforts have not gone unnoticed. It is a pleasure to see that you enjoy the time I have planned for you... And the tea." Nightmare robotised a sigh seeming to look upset. "It's just a shame that we haven't been able to do this in a while.


Both of the beings took long sips from the cups they were holding. Cross peaking over the rim to watch Nightmare consume the orange liquid. It still amazes him on how a robot could eat nevertheless drink, where did it all go?

He took another swig of the tea, starting to feel his body relaxing and mind slightly going numb. Outside seemed a touch more vivid. And the gentle smile on Nightmares face was also beautiful. Nothing could seem to compare in comparison.

Unsteadily, Cross brought the unfinished cup to his teeth again. Now finishing its contents. Nightmare stared him down, gaze intent.

It took a while to occur but as Cross rested his back against his chair, there was a harsh pounding in the side of his skull and the most agonising feeling of faintness came over him. It wouldn't go away. He was seeing four of everything; dropped cup, shattered glass, smirking android approaching.

Android approaching...

Then darkness.


Nightmare watched as cross dropped his glass to the Oakwood patio. Not even faltering when it smashed into miniature pieces.

He had figured that a slight higher dosage of diphenhydramine would be enough to render Cross unconscious. 50mg was a safe dose but still more than the 25mg the android would normally lace him with.

Either way he was asleep and wouldn't be awake for about 4-6 hours.

He took his metallic hand, slowly dragging it down Cross' skull. Then up and along the jagged scar below his closed eye.

Slowly, the sleek shine of silver seemed to melt away from Nightmare's form. The residue of the metal slapped and clumped disgustingly around his now bare feet.

There was three harsh snaps. Six black tentacles writhed aggressively from his back. Piercing miscellaneous items in the room.

Nightmare sighed, enjoying the feeling of freedom once again.

"It's been so long since I felt normal again." He groaned. Stretching out his limbs along with the outstretched tentacles. Ravaging in the feeling of uncontrollable power once more, as his one eye glowed a misty cyan.

It would be a matter of time before the facilities alarms took hint of his transformation. Magic seemed to roll off of him like cool steam, gently brushing the floor and seeping into the surroundings.

Cross was heavier than Nightmare expected. There was no struggle in carrying him of course, feeling as his arms encircled the unconscious male, firmly supporting his back. It was just nice to see that the skeleton didn't miss out on any of his meals.

"Let's go home now my love." And with that the two had vanished into the air.

There will be a third part, but I plan on writing up the other part of moving away, and a second part to "see you tomorrow Oreo".

I'm trying to post at least every month.

Thank you for reading, and I'll see youuuu... next month 😀

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