Chapter 1

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I couldn't see anything anymore. The lights of street lamps and passers-by coming to see me blind. It didn't take long for me to hear the deafening sounds of people helping us.

Nee Naw Nee Naw

I was scared. I hadn't been hurt, but I couldn't move. I couldn't even move my head an inch to see how my parents are doing.

I was about to pass out. I was afraid that my parents wouldn't be able to get out of it. I was afraid of being alone. But above all, I was afraid of death. As I began to close my eyes, waiting for this hell to end, someone pulled me from death.

"Miss, can you hear us? Can you move? Are you okay??"

My body only had the strength to respond this two words.

"Help me"

I don't really remember what happened next. The firefighters took me with them. My parents were looked after by other firefighters. I remember constantly asking the firefighters how my parents were doing, to which they replied with short "They'll be fine".

We finally arrived at the hospital. I had nothing serious, but the doctors wanted to keep me for a while to make sure I was okay.

They took me to a room. It was white. The walls were white, the bed was white, everything was white. That day I asked myself "If black represents death and white represents life, why are the hospital rooms white? If it's to make patients believe that they're not going to die, it doesn't work. I don't believe in life anymore."

That day, we were November 22, 2002, I was 6 years old.

"I want to see my parents!"

"You can't! They need to rest!" replied the nurse.

I've had enough. Why do adults lie so much? If they think hiding the truth will make me feel better, they're wrong.

I've been here for 2 weeks now. I haven't seen my parents for 2 weeks now. Not a photo, not a letter, not a call, nothing.

The nurses keep telling me "They need to rest" "Wait a little longer" "They will soon be back on their feet"

But I don't believe them. I'm sick of their lies.

Annoyed by the repetitive answer from Cindy, my nurse, I approached the door of my room and opened it wide before running away. Cindy ran after me, but being old, she got tired very quickly and stopped. I hid behind a plant next to the entrance, waiting for a time when there weren't too many people.

I don't know what I'm going to do outside if I manage to leave the hospital. I know adults will worry, but it's their fault. The only way I'll agree to stay and stop disobeying them is if I finally know the truth.

Marco, the nurse who is funny started talking with Lily, the nurse who works at the reception.

"Hey Lily, apparently Y/n ran away from her room. Cindy has been looking for her everywhere. Didn't you see her?" Marco asked.

"No sorry"

"It doesn't surprise me that she ran away, this little one. They should tell her"

"I agree with you, but you understand that it's not easy to tell a 6-year-old girl who has just survived a car accident that her parents are dead"

"You're right..."

I knew it!

But I hadn't realized that it would hurt me so much to know. Hundreds of tears started rolling down my cheeks.


The leaves of the plant that until now served as my hiding place moved, and the faces of Lily and Marco appeared.

"Y/n?? Are you okay?"

That day, we were December 7, 2002, I was 6 years old.

"Bye Y/n, we will miss you" said all the nurses with whom I had spent this month in the hospital.

I got into the car of the so-called director of the orphanage.

We finally arrived at the orphanage. Employees came to help us take out my things, which we had picked up a few days earlier from my parents'.

We entered through a large wooden door that looked a bit like the door to Hogwarts.

I heard from afar "Children, we are going to welcome a new one. Be nice to her" "Okay Lola"

The employees took me to a large room where there were about thirty children and other employees. One was in the center and was talking to them. She had blue hair and looked younger than any nurse I had met. I guess she was 'Lola'.

She turned around and noticed that I was there.

"Here are Y/n children!"

"Hello Y/n!" they said in unison.

"Hello" I answered them.

We were on December 22, 2002, I was 6 years old.

"I'm coming" cried Sara, one of my friends from the orphanage.

"I'm sorry Sara, but you're going to have to stop playing hide and seek. Girls, get out!" said Lola.

I got out from under the bed where I had been hiding and joined Lola in the great hall.

"Someone is going to arrive any minute. He came here on vacation and he loved our country. He can't have a child so he wants to adopt a child here. He's going to come and meet you and choose one of you"

"Where is he from? What's his name?" Miya asked.

"He's from South Korea and his name is Jinyoung Park" replied Lola.


"It must be him, I'll look for him" Lola tells us.

Lola went to the front door and came back with a man. He looked nice.

"Hello kids! I'm Jinyoung Park and it's nice to meet you"

We were June 3, 2003, I was 6 and a half years old.

"Goodbye...I'm going to miss you" I say half crying to the people I spent 1 year with.

"We will miss you..." Sara told me.

"I hope you'll be happy with him" Miya told me.

"I too would like to be adopted soon" lamented Paul.

"I'm sure you'll be adopted soon! Don't worry!" I answered him.

"Y/n, you have to go" Lola told me.

"Okay! Bye girls! Bye employees! Bye Lola! Thank you all for being so nice to me"

"Goodbye Y/n! We won't forget you!"

I left the orphanage, this orphanage where I spent 1 year.

I joined the car of Jinyoung, my new father.

I sat in the back seat.

"Are you ready to get on a plane and move to Korea, Y/n?"


We were on December 23, 2003, I was 7 years old.

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