Part 2

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Abby showed the boys the guest room on the second floor and allowed them to settle in before they set up the cameras.

Parker spoke to his camera for a moment, not having looked around the room first. Chester decided to look around.

In the room was a small closet and a small side table next to a single twin XL mattress.

"Parker," Chester said, trying to get his attention. Parker motioned with i finger to give him a minute and finished talking to the camera.

"Yeah?" Parker final answered after turning off the camera.

"Look at how small the bed is.." Chester stated, pointing at it. Parker looked at it for a moment.

"I can sleep on the floor if you want the-" Chester began but Parker cut him off,

"What? No, I'm not making you sleep on the floor, we'll make it work, let's just go set up the cameras, we'll worry about sleeping arrangements later," Parker explained, grabbing a small bag full of cameras. Chester was surprised but didn't say anything about it.

Chester picked up the main camera and started recording as the two did their usual thing with placing cameras around the house.

Finally, they arrived at John's room.

"Okay, John went to the bathroom, let's hurry," Parker said quietly as he opened the door.

Chester followed Parker into the room and looked around.

There was a twin bed, a desk, and a medium sized closet.

"What's this?" Chester thought out loud, kneeling in front of a wooden chest in the closet. It was locked with a padlock and a combination lock.

"Who needs two locks on a chest? What do you think he is hiding in there?" Parker asked over Chester's shoulder.

Chester stood up and stepped away from the chest. He honestly didn't want to know.

Parker, seeing how uncomfortable Chester was getting in the room, informed him he had set up the camera and said they could leave now.

Chester had no hesitation leaving the room.

"Okay, let's put one in Abby's room and then we can go to bed," Parker stated more towards Chester than the camera.

"Parker i have a bad feeling, I don't wanna stay here," Chester complained, following Parker down the hall.

"Don't worry bro, I'm sure it's nothing, everything is gonna be alright, let's just stay the night to make sure Abby is safe," Parker spoke, trying to calm Chester's nerves.

Chester sighed, he knew there was no convincing Parker. He was dead set on helping someone and he always tried his hardest to help. That's just who he was. It was one of the reasons Chester liked him so much.

Parker knocked on Abby's door and asked to set up a camera. She gladly allowed them in and Chester was surprised to see a pride flag hanging on her wall.

Parker set up the camera and turned to look at Chester. Chester had his back to Parker as he stared at the large lesbian flag on the wall.

'Wait. How will Parker react to this! If he accepts it he might accept me! But what if he doesn't...' Chester's mind began to race as dread washed over him.

Parker turned to Abby,

"Oh, you're a lesbian?" He asked her.

Chester turned to Parker and was surprised to see a smile on his face!

"That's cool," Parker remarked.

"Are you a member or just an ally?" Abby asked.

Chester felt a breath of relief that Parker had been accepting of her.

"I don't normally tell people, but yeah, I'm Bisexual," Parker answered, his posture slightly lifting with pride.

Chester felt his heart skip a beat as he stared at Parker.

"You're Bi!?" Chester blurted out without thinking. 'Crap' he immediately regretted his words

"Do you have an issue with that?" Abby glared at Chester.

Chester's face turned red with embarrassment,

"No! No! I was just surprised! I don't have a problem! I- well- I'm actually pan," Chester said frantically, mumbling the last bit (in italics) so quietly it was almost inaudible.

But Abby heard it.

"What?" Parker said, not having heard the last bit.

"It- it's nothing" Chester muttered, looking away from Parker as his face grew red. Parker felt upset, he didn't want Chester to hide things from him.

Abby caught onto Chester's body language and pretty quickly realized his crush on his best friend.

"Let's just go to bed," Chester said quickly, exiting the room. Parker watched him walk away and simply stood there. Why was Chester hiding things from him? Did he do something wrong? Say something wrong? Did Chester have something against Bisexuality?

Before Parker walked out and followed Chester, Abby grabbed his arm,

"Just, give him time, don't worry," she said, letting go of him. Parker nodded, confused, and left,

He walked down the hall to their room and entered to see Chester sitting on the bed, not wearing his sunglasses, spaced out. But he looked like he was going to cry.

"Hey, let's.. let's get some sleep," Parker said, deciding not to push the matter.

Chester jumped at Parkers sudden words.

"Y-yeah, okay" he mumbled softly, laying down on the left side and pulling the covers over himself.

Parker climbed into bed next to him, covering up as well.

They lied back to back for a while, their back almost but not touching.

'I have to know, i feel like i did something, why is this bugging me so much!' Parker thought, his mind racing. He let out a sigh and decided to try and talk to Chester about it.

"Chester, you still up?" Parker whispered, flipping over to face Chester's back.

"Yeah.." Chester whispered back after a moment, flipping to face Parker as well.

"What.. what did you say early. I just.. it's been bugging me," Parker breathed, looking at Chester's eyes as if looking for an answer within them.

Chester sighed, he knew he had to tell him, 'you'll feel better after you tell him' he told himself in his mind.

"I.. I am gay, well more specifically, pan.. I'm pansexual," Chester confessed, looking down at Parker's chest to avoid eye contact.

Parker felt butterflies in his stomach as Chester said it. But why? He didn't like Chester like that. Right?

Parker felt his cheeks heat up as his head filled with a thousand thoughts. But it all when silent when he looked back at Chester to see he was crying!

"Oh! What's wrong! Are- are you okay!?" Parker half whispered with concern for his upset friend.

"Yeah I just, I was so happy when you accepted Abby and came out yourself but also terrified to come out myself because no one in my family has been that accepting and i was so scared to lose you over tha-" Chester began rambling, only to go silent as he felt an arm wrap around him.

"I understand, and i'd never judge you for something like that," Parker assured, pulling Chester closer.

Chester felt his heart soar, placing his hands on Parker's chest as Parker pulled him closer. But is sank just as fast as it soared when he realized Parker was only comforting him, and would likely never see him as anything more than a friend.

Chester began crying again into Parker's chest, wrapping his arms around Parker's back and pulling him closer to where his body was pressed tightly against Parker's, dampening his shirt with tears as Parker rubbed his back and allowed him to let it all out.

The two eventually fell asleep in each other's arms.

Part two done! More to come! Hope you enjoy!!

(Word count - 1272)

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