Part 10

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"I li-" they both began but were cut off when a nurse entered the room.

"Visiting hours are over sir, im sorry but you're going to have to leave," he said.

Parker and Chester both stared at him, their faces red from what they were about to confess before the man had interrupted.

"Okay, yeah, see you tomorrow Chester," Parker stated quickly, standing up and walking out as swiftly as his legs would carry him.

The nurse confusingly watched him sprint off and down the hall. Chester groaned and layed his head back on his pillow, his face hot as fire from many things.

"Sorry, did i interrupt something?" The nurse asked. Chester nodded and held one of the pillows over his face.


"I WAS ABOUT TO THEN A NURSE INTERRUPTED AND I GOT SO NERVOUS I LEFT!" Parker shouted at Abby, groaning and covering his face with his hands. Abby was laughing her head off.

"Okay, okay, hahah! Tomorrow, you can tell him tomorrow," Abby chuckled, wiping a tear away from her eye. Parker groaned and flopped down on the motel bed, rolling over and screaming into the pillow, which muffled his scream pretty well.

Abby climbed into her bed, still laughing at Parker agony.

Eventually the laughed died down and the two fell asleep.

About 8 in the morning, Parker jolted awake, sitting up and looking around, disappointed at something.

"What's wrong?" Abby asked as she had been up an hour ago, now sitting at the motel desk and reading a book.

"I just... i miss Chester," Parker admitted. Abby looked up from her book and sighed.

"Dude it has been one night, relax," Abby stated.

"I know i know, i just, miss him," Parker said. Abby shook her head and smiled,

"How about we go check on him, visiting hours are in 15 minutes," Abby suggested, setting her book down. Parker agreed and jumped out of bed, running to the bathroom to comb his hair and get ready. Abby laughed at this and stood up, flipping her hair so it wasn't in her eyes.

"Okay, lets go," Parker happily demanded, rushing out the door. Abby was amused by the man's excitement and followed him outside. They locked up the room and left for the hospital, walking as they didn't have any mode of transportation and it was a nice day out for a walk.

When they arrived, it was 8:20 and Parker was eager to see his best friend. The nurse checked him in and gave him his visitor's sticker to show he was in the system for the morning and allowed him up to Chester's room.

Parker opened the door and smiled to see Chester sitting up, awake, and clicking through the channels on the TV.

"Chester! Good morning!" Parker announced as he entered the room. Chester turned and his face lit up at the sight of Parker.

"Parker!" Chester cheerfully smiled back as Parker came to his bedside.

Without hesitation, Parker leaned down and hugged Chester, being careful not to hurt his bandaged back. Chester hugged Parker back and the two stayed in their embrace a bit longer than usual, enjoying the warmth of one another's arms.

Abby smiled at the display and sat down across the room from them.

"Parker. I need to tell you something and i need to tell you now because I can't keep it a secret anymore," Chester stated, suddenly pulling away from the hug. Parker glanced at Abby, who nodded towards Chester and smiled. Parker turned to face Chester and took a deep breath.

"Me too," he replied, his tone serious. Now Chester and Parker were nervous.

"On three?" Parker asked, partly joking. Chester chuckled and relaxed a little bit.

"Okay," Chester smiled.




They both took deep breaths.

"I like you!" The men shouted in unison.

Chester looked at Parker who looked back, and they stared at one another for a few seconds of silence as Abby tried to hold in a laugh from the looks on their faces.

"Wait. You. You like me back?!" Chester shouted, baffled.

"Yes! You like me too?!" Parker responded. Chester began to cry and hugged Parker again. Parker hugged him back and Abby fanned her face trying not to cry from how cute the boys were being.

"Chester," Parker said, pulling away from the hug but keeping his arms securely around Chester.

"Yes?" Chester replied, looking up at Parker.

"Will.. will you be my boyfriend?" Parker sheepishly asked, looking away from Chester as his face began to redden more.

"YES! I- i mean, yeah, sure," Chester yelled, then corrected himself and attempted to sound like he was chill, despite the joy on his face.

"Really?!" Parker smiled, sitting on the bed beside Chester.

Chester leapt forward and wrapped his arms around Parker's neck, hugging him closely. Parker snaked his arms around Chester's waist and held him tight.

Chester looked up at Parker and smiled.

Parker smiled back before doing something bold.

Parker kissed Chester on the lips.

Chester was shocked but melted into the kiss, relaxing against Parker.

When they pulled away, Chester's face was a red as a tomato. Parker laughed at this and Chester placed his head on Parker's shoulder so he could no longer see his face.

"You guys are so cute!!!" Abby awed, leaning back in the chair. Parker chuckled and Chester groaned, a little embarrassed.

(Time skiiiiip)

It had been about a week since Chester was released from the hospital, he had some scars left from the injuries but was otherwise alright.

"I still feel bad," Parker said, looking down.

"Hey, look at me," Chester ordered, squeezing Parker's hand as they walked.

Parker looked up at Chester and the two stopped walking.

"You don't do anything wrong, it wasn't your fault, if anything, you saved me, I love you," Chester assured, taking Parker's other hand so he was facing him.

"Thanks Chester, I love you too," Parker smiled. Chester smiled back and gave Parker a small kiss. Parker blushed and kissed him back.

The two then continued their walk through the park, enjoying the warm afternoon.


BOOM! ALL DONE! THAT IS IT FOLKS! NO MORE! I hope you all enjoyed and i am super thankful for the support i have gotten! Later Lux army! ✌️🙋‍♂️

(Word count - 1056)

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