Part 8

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"Parker, wake up," Abby nudged Parker's shoulder, he had fallen asleep waiting for an update on Chester.

"What?" Parker questioned, half awake.

"The doctor told me we can see Chester now, he is alright," Abby excitedly exclaimed. Parker jumped to his feet and looked around. Abby stood up and showed him to the doctor, who led them to Chester's room.

"Chester!!" Parker cried, running to his bedside.

"Parker!" Chester beamed back, waving as Parker ran up to him.

"I'm so glad you're okay! What happened?!" Parker asked, worried for Chester.

"They didn't have to give me stitches!" Chester announced happily, but his smile quickly faded as he continued, "but, they had to wrap up my entire torso and told me i have to be careful and not to leave the hospital because they have to change it every other day for the next, like, week,"

"Oh, well, at least you okay," Parker tried to lighten the mood with a positive note. Chester smiled and nodded.

"Guys, so, they said that they want us to come with when they go investigate the reck," Abby chimed in, changing the vibe of the moment. Now there was a problem. Parker wanted to stay by Chester's side to make sure he'd be okay, but it was Parker's car and he had to be there for insurance purposes.

"Go, I'll be alright, make sure you can get some money back on whatever that asshole did to your car" Chester smiled, patting Parker's hand which was rested on his arm.

"Okay, but I'll be back as soon as i can," Parker stated. Parker stood up and walk out with Abby to go talk to the cops while Chester sat miserably in bed.

With Parker, Abby was badgering him for how he got the cop to let him ride with Chester

"Boyfriend?" Abby joked again, poking Parker.

"It was the only thing I could think of in the moment!" Parker protested, glaring at Abby

"You could have said brother, but you said booooyfriend" Abby pestered,

"Fair but- just- enough! Im done talking about this!" Parker stammered, his face turning pink with embarrassment.

"YOU DO LIKE HIM!" Abby shouted as she saw him blush.

"WHAT! NO! NO I DONT! NOT LIKE THAT HE IS JUST- A REALLY GOOD FRIEND!" Parker yelled back, trying to deny that he indeed did have feelings for his best friend.

"Mmhum, sure," Abby laughed.

"Even if i did, I don't wanna scare him off, he means the world to me, i would rather us be friends than nothing," Parker admitted, immediately regretting it as Abby started to squeal

"Omgggg! You have to tell him! You never know, maybe he feels the same?" Abby poked his arm. She knew they had feeling for each other.

"Just, don't tell him! I wanna do it when the time is right!" Parker growled at her. Abby sighed, now she had to keep two secrets, that would be more beneficial is she spilled them! But Abby held her tongue, she wanted them to be the ones to confess.

"You two already back there?" The cop in the front seat asked, glancing at them through the rear view mirror.

"Yeah, all good," Parker said, nodding and smiling.

The cop shrugged and continued driving in silence as Parker glared at Abby

"Im serious!" He insisted. Abby put her hands up defensibly and nodded before laughing again.

Back with Chester, he was sitting in bed watching the hospital TV.

"What?" He thought out loud, turning up the volume as he couldn't hear what the news man was saying.

"Police have been sent to the area where the screams were heard on xxxx street to see what the issue was," stated the news man. Chester's blood ran cold.

"No!" Chester shouted thoughtlessly. That was the street they had crashed off of, and where Parker and Abby were heading right now. Chester knew what had made the screams, or at least made people scream.

"Doctor! Nurse! Someone please!" Chester called, frantically sitting up in bed, he had to warn Parker.

"Yes?!" A nurse ran in confused,

"Get me a phone please! I need to get ahold of the officer that took Parker and Abby! Please my friends are in trouble!" He begged. The nurse nodded and ran to the room phone.

She dialed the cops and asked for the cop that was driving.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Chhhh-

"Hello, officer miles here, i was requested?" The officer spoke over his car dispatch.

The nurse handed the phone to Chester and he grabbed it like a toddler snatching ice cream from his mother.

"You have to turn around! You can't go to the car! Or the area! There is something on the news please!" Chester spoke so fast it took the officer a moment to process it.

While in the back seat, Parker and Abby were listening to the whole call.

"What does he mean?" Abby asked the officer.

"Im not sure, he just says something is on the news and we can't go to the car, do either of you know anything about that?"

"Yeah, he must be talking about the thing that attacked us," Parker chimed in, placing his hand on his knee to keep it from bouncing with anxiety.

The officer looked back at the two, skeptical.

"Okay, we are on our way back, but i want more units sent to the area to find out the issue," the officer finally said. Parker was still anxious tho.

Chester let out a sigh of relief that his friends were okay. The nurse took back the phone and hung up.

Chester asked the nurse to see Parker once he had come back. The nurse agreed and left the room.

Finally, Parker arrived at the hospital. Or. Someone Chester thought was Parker.


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