Part 3

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-about 1am-

Chester yawned and tried to stretch only to realize he was wrapped tightly in Parker's arms.

'Am i dreaming? This can't be real!' Chester thought to himself before the events of last night hit him.

Parker woke up too, but he didn't move, or open his eyes. For some reason, he didn't want to.

But both men shot to attention when they heard a ear splitting scream from down the hall.

Parker let go of Chester and they both jumped to their feet. Chester grabbed his sunglasses and Parker grabbed his camera.

Parker ran out of the room while Chester grabbed his camera and followed quickly.

The two ran down the hall and Parker ripped open Abby's door to see her "brother"

But he was tall, almost 9 feet tall, yet incredibly strong as he held Abby up by the neck with one hand!

"WHAT THE HELL IS THAT THING!!" Chester yelled, pointing his camera at it.

"John" looked at Chester with its dark, hollow eyes before seizing him by the neck and holding him high in the air so his head almost hit the roof. Chester dropped his camera and grabbed at the hand around his neck.

"CHESTER!" Parker shouted, anger growing in his face. Without much thought, Parker ran up and sucker punched the thing in the gut, making it drop both Abby and Chester and riel over in pain.

Parker grabbed Chester and Abby's arms and pulled them to their feet. The three then ran out of the room and down the hall towards the stairs.

"PARKER!" Chester yelped as he felt the creature just barely skim his ankle as it reached for him but wasn't able to grab him.

Parker slowed down a bit to be at Chester's pace and grabbed his hand, speeding up again and pulling Chester along and away from John.

When they made it down the stairs, through the dining room, and out into the yard, Abby was already waiting for them near their car.

Parker let go of Chester and ran around the the driver seat while Abby and Chester hopped in. Chester in the back and Abby in front.

Parker got in and started the car, not worried about buckling up as the creature shrieked and tore through the front door.

Parker hit the gas as the creature came outside and watched them. It didn't seem to want to leave the property.

Abby was sobbing profusely, devastated about where her family might be and what had been living with her for weeks.

They drove for about an hour, everyone silently questioned what just happened. Eventually Parker pulled into a parking lot and parked the car.

"Where are we?" Chester asked. They had turned the cameras off a while ago.

"A motel, we are gonna stay here for the rest of the night, I am way to tired to drive all the way home right now," Parker explained, turning off the car and opening his door.

The three got out and walked over to the reception building to book a room.

"We just need one room with two beds for tonight," Parker stated to the man behind the desk while taking out his wallet.

He payed and they went to the room.

As Parker unlocked the door, Chester got goosebumps, he felt like they were being watched.

Chester looked around at the parking lot, which he could see well from the second story, while Parker and Abby went into the room.

"You good bro?" Parker asked, coming back out of the room to see where Chester was as he hadn't followed them in.

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