Cuffed Together

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   Scourge stretched from his bed, his back popping as he groaned and shook of his blankets. His room was dark even though his digital clock let him know it was almost noon. He had slept in after the late night gaming he had done with Boomer. He had gone to bed first letting Boomer continue his win streak and was most likely asleep or still gaming. He hopped out of bed, checking his closet for a jacket to wear that day, choosing one with a purple rose on each shoulder. He had loved this jacket and kept it ever since his mom sewed the roses on him. She had bought it when he was... he had to admit he didn't know how young he was, only that he was blue, and just managed to out run the high school kids while he was in elementary school. She got it for him after he had won that race, But it was massive, an adult sized one, but she had told him he'd grow into it. He looked at the clock, seeing it was April 2nd. The day she'd given it to him, but he couldn't remember the year.

   He shrugged and after sliding it on and finding his glasses off his cluttered dresser he headed out into the living room. He spotted Alicia and Rosey at the kitchen bar mixing what looked like milkshakes while Patch read a book in the armchair and Miles was writing in a large book at the dinning table. 

"Did you sleep well hog?" Alicia asked as scooped ice cream into the blender.

"Yeah yeah, I was up helpin Boomer in that new game." Scourge stood on the other side of the bar, taking out cereal and milk.

"I think he's still playing." Miles said as he took a sip of coffee. "He said he would eat tonight. Since Patch is cooking." 

"Well if anyone else was cooking he probably wouldn't stop." Rosey chopped up bits of strawberries.

"Ze fact that none of you can correctly boil water with out burning down zeh ouse," The group looked over at Alica and Scourge. "I think it iz best I cook. Or teach one of you who doesn't risk becoming an arsonist by accident." 

"I never claimed to be good at it. I just said I could start a fire for dinner." Alicia turned on the blender as Scourge dug hungerly into his cereal. 

"At least someone can cook. Otherwise I think we'd be in debt with all the take out food we'd need." Rosey giggled after the blender finished. 

"We could have a maid do it." Miles got up, going over to get a shake.

"Or a robot." Alicia poured them. "Have it make food and clean." "Patch looked disgusted at that.

"No and no. First off, we don't have space for a maid. And no way for her to get here with all the cleaning shit. Secondly, a robot can turn sentient. We ain't having that." Scourge finished the bowl and tossed it in the sink.

"Eh, he has a point." Miles shrugged. "And no, we can't use magic voodoo." Miles warned them. "It wont end well for anyone." 

"... Welp magic boy has spoken." Scourge headed for the front room.

"Where are you going?" Alicia looked over as he opened the door.

"Out for a run, don't wait up I'll probably steal food from the Freedom dorks place." 

   With that Scourge sped off, heading towards the direction of the Knothole ruins. He vaguely thought of going to their bubble city, but he knew that AI would be able to stop him with well timed shots if he took to long to actually get in. After all they had two chaos emeralds in there to power the city. He soon came up on the base that was south of the burnt forest, the blue flag, a red circle around an acorn to represent the outpost of the kingdom. He had always considered getting a flag for himself, but he wasn't sure what kind to do. He didn't spot any lights on inside, so he went around testing the doors and windows, everything was locked. No one was inside. There was no point in breaking in if no one was inside, and he didn't feel like looking around, knowing any food that was stashed there would be in cans since their power was off their fridge wouldn't be working. He groaned in frustration, looking around at the distant woods that were left untouched to one side, and the ruins of the village to the other. 

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