Monochrome Poker (hand 1)

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  Luna and Clover sat in the dinner, The Freedom Fighters and Chaotix all gather there with the tech savy members working on what seemed to be a presentation. Luna felt an odd feeling of being watched, but no one around was paying much attention to her or Clover. Clover had ordered a 3rd burger while Luna was enjoying the bottomless fries that the restaurant seemed to be regretting as the group was getting a bit out of hand. Sally and Knuckles stood off to the side pouring over documents, trying to talk over the chaos that was the rowdy group of adolescence. The wait staff were looking on at the group from behind the counter, to afraid to get in between the waring factions of curly fries and steak fries. Sonic seemed to be leading the steak fries group in brutal condiment bombardment. On the other end Charmy seemed to be leading the curly lovers in counter strikes, neither giving way. The girls watched, enjoying the dinner and a show this type of entertainment brought on. Tigris was hiding in Clovers bag, munching on the fries Clover would lower down to her, then let the cat drink a kid sized soda Clover had swiped. 

"Have they started yet?" She asked, her ears perking up at the sound of a war cry from Tails as he launched mustard packets at the blue blur.

"Nope. But I gotta say this is really cool. It makes me look forward to any and all snowball fights come next winter." Clover chuckled. 

"You'll pick me first for teams right?" Luna asked looking a bit grim at the even the idea of going against Clover in any kind of water battle. 

"Of course Lu! Just like I know you'd pick me first." 


"Unless of course neither of us are captains then I'll smack you down like any other opponent." 

"... Note to self, do not go outside next winter. Or any winter."

   That got Clover to laugh as she finished the burger, and used the fries to wipe up the ketchup that had dripped off. Luna took another look around the room, noting the worried look Sally tried to hide, and even Knuckles seemed to have that look on his face. It made her fur prickle with anticipation. Clover seemed to sense this, her tails giving Luna a quick hug of reassurance, not looking up from her meal. It made her feel a bit better when Clover noticed the small things, she didn't even have to say anything most of the time. The multi-tailed tiger honed in on her emotions like... Well like Tigris to a good steak. Picking up from at least 4 miles away. As Clover ordered a milkshake and a bit of cake while Luna ordered a pie for dessert, the war of the fries seemed to die down enough for the two groups to start ordering desert as well. Just then the diners front doors burst open causing a hush over the entire occupants. Shadow the hedgehog, Rouge the bat, and Omega walked in. With them, a few G.U.N. swat members walking in behind them, the mobians looking grim faced, the robot moving slowly. 

   Sally went over to them before Sonic could even get up, the atmosphere of the diner getting to be more serious. She motioned for Sonic to stay sitting, and the room remained quiet for a short time longer. Shadow and Rouge spoke to her in hushed tones which was impressive with how quiet the room had gotten. Sally motioned for them to sit, the only seats left that weren't on the bar were the booth seats across from Clover and Luna. Oh no. No... Noooo, don't come over, don't come over! Luna thought in a mild panic. Rouge grabbed Shadows arm and practically shoved the ebony hedgehog towards the booth before walking over to Knuckles, and called over her shoulder. Fuck. Luna thought, Clover making a small doh, sound next to her.

"Socialize some more till I'm done talking to Knuckles." The bat ordered the hedgehog.

   Clover and Luna tensed seeing the stormy look on Shadows face as he glared at the woman, then turned to the both, looking directly at the two. Omega turned and went outside with the rest of the swat members, his metal body to big to maneuver more then in and out of the doors. Shadow reluctantly sat down across from the two, the waitress handing him a menu and setting down a glass of water before going off to a different table. Clover slowly relaxed, giving him a nervous smile.

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