Claws and Hearts pt4

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      The Girls

And with that, I left that part of my life behind. I would not assist the mad king any longer, nor his children. I would find someone better suited to rule, and get them to that point no matter what. And this time, it would be permanent. I had given so much, I had fought so hard, that I didn't care anymore. I walked out of the camp, only stopping to pray a small blessing over the children there and left. I walked for months, only stopping to eat and sleep, going back up north to where the colder weather would suit my burning fury.

   I spent a few years up there, hunting and getting back to my natural roots deep into the mountains. The years didn't pass as quickly with my mind wandering to more and more places. I spoke with the creatures that were good at hiding, many magical by nature, and made a few friends. I learned more about the kokirians and the other species that were experts at hiding. I roamed further north, and eventually I found myself surrounded by the northern lights. I was so content that night, staring up at the lights, the patterns were shifting slowly made me feel like I was in a dream. I made sure if I fell asleep I wouldn't die from the cold by wrapping myself in thick furs from my kills, and spent the night staring up at the sky.

   I did end up falling asleep, and dreaming of a small forest area. It was in spring, the fields surrounding the trees were filled with flowers. I was sitting on a rock, it was in a patch of sunlight overlooking one of the smaller fields. Two girls were running around, one a white cat with bright red hair, the other a red tiger with a mass of blond hair. They were picking flowers and putting them together in crowns, one was on top of my head, clearly I knew these two. Or would know them. They didn't look familiar. The one with blond hair turned, and held up a crown proudly to me, and I found myself smiling, before waking up and was still in the snow, though I didn't feel as cold as I had before.

   I took this dream as a sign, and headed out to find that place. Or at least somewhere that looked like it. After a while of traveling down south, I started to feel a tug, gently pulling me in the right direction, the feeling getting stronger. I soon found myself in a small town that was surrounded by a large river, a mountain range and plenty of forest around it. It was well protected from the war, which according to the townspeople had ended, but another had started up only 4 years after. Apparently, the overlander scientist who betrayed them, also betrayed king Max.

   My instincts and the gut feeling lead me over to the part of town that was run down, where the orphanage was. I looked all over, not seeing any girls that matched two in my dream, but something told me to wait, and so I did. The place was run by rather strict women, more annoyed at the amount of orphans the war had produced, then actually sympathetic. I felt sick watching how they handled the children, I couldn't do much to help them. but I did scare the souls out of those women, and made them more attentive by pretending to be a large scary animal, and that did work out very well.

   I lived there for a few months, staying comfortably in the woods and having more of those dreams. They were very much like my visions before, they were thankfully not as violent or harmful to me. Then one night, on a spring night, during a storm. I heard a commotion over at the orphanage. I went over, and spotted a mobian girl, her fur white, with bright red hair. She was sniffling, rubbing her nose off on her arm looking soaked and heart broken. The women looked tired, and tried to usher her in quickly, but she put up a fuss and lashed out at them. It took both of them to get her dried off enough to go inside, and even then they struggled. She couldn't be older then 5, but there she was fighting like a grown man. I was impressed for sure, and after that I made sure to keep a close eye on her. After a few days, another storm happened, and another commotion.

   She came bursting from the doors of the cafeteria, and ran out to the woods, right past me. She looked shaken, her fur fluffed up, but it quickly became wet from the rain, sticking to her body. I almost lost her in the storm as I tried to follow her. Then, there was a flash of light, a whooshing noise and a sudden THUD! I turned to the direction it came from, and spotted her. The cat was there, but also the blond girl from before. She had come out of nowhere, and the two were tumbled in a heap. They both looked shocked, the other girl had been crying to, but when she saw the cats face covered in tears, she didn't hesitate to hug her tightly.

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